Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Best Ultralight Wheel Chairs

lost years ...

announces a new coach to learn law in 10 days. And I was eight years had needed. What could have been in time can make all the legs?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Bell Phones Instructions Northern Telecom Canada

manhunt in the U.S.

Intriguingly, one encounters here in New York more often on wanted poster in the subway stations, lamp posts, etc. But I find it particularly interesting that a reward will be suspended, but you can still give anonymous tips and is paid then the code number.

Would I serve my elective placement in Texas, might be another "Dead or alive" message here?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Long Will Gingerbread Dough Stay In Fridge

The board will travel with the "court of Transportation" to ...

A Chamber of the Berlin Administrative travels with a black "court Transporter" (Bizarre, why have the thing? Looks definitely like a bus AWO ...) to the curb, probably to see whether the proposed brothel "Insert" would ... Here is the link to the video on Spiegel online.

Friday, May 7, 2010

What's Going On With Heather Harmon

U.S. citizens - world champion in defamation?

that tenants are to accept with the utmost caution, we read everywhere on the Internet, where the exchange of rental apartments between them. Therefore, the website for German landlords, which was bought by the U.S. company, especially picures to any more.

But even the former government provide, here writes Laura Bush, is now in her memoirs that she may have been poisoned in Heiligendamm. By the German chef prepared meals.

The chef feels quite rightly verunglimpft.Es comes to his honor. Just read it in "mirror" of 03.05.2010, page 14!

Since it is therefore sufficient that someone has abdominal pain ... and even the chef is the culprit? Yes, the chef or the hotel of an attack is suspected?

Imagine as a landlord times, such people would in your hotel, Feriwenwohnung ill.

And what this nation needs for a Mentalitatet have when even the head of state so careless accused innocent German hoteliers and chefs?

I just say: superiority you well whether you want to do that as a landlord it all.

Because your guests are allowed on these sites, you as a landlord slander you. And when the brightest of the United States have done this ... what do you expect from the average holiday-makers from the U.S.?

Here is the article from Spiegel Online. The printed article, "The honor of the chef" is more to the point of view of victims, from cooking and hotel.

Were Laura and George W. Bush, by early 2009 "first couple" of the United States, poisoned during a visit to Germany? The suspects, the former first lady in person: in her memoirs she reports the first time how she and her husband at the G-8 summit in Heiligendamm 2007 sick mysterious.

Laura Bush believes it is possible that she and her husband, then-President George W. Bush during that visit to Germany in 2007 were poisoned. In her memoirs, "Spoken From the Heart" reports the former president's wife, as both infected and part of the bar staff accompanying the G-8 summit in Heiligendamm suddenly and had to stay in bed. Doctors and intelligence were then examined whether this was a poisoning.

The memoirs of former First Lady are now on the market, but the U.S. broadcaster CNN has already claims to present a copy. As described by the channel, writes Laura Bush, that her husband missed several meetings in Heiligendamm, because he was sick. "Nearly a dozen members of our delegation was affected," CNN quoted from the book.

The intelligence was "in full alert" gone, I searched the entire area for possible toxins. "George (Bush) was so ill that he did not even get up at a meeting with (French President) Sarkozy was able to greet him."

According to CNN, Bush was actually at the G-8 summit meeting some distant, what have the White House said at the time just so that the President had apparently caught a virus. Laura Bush on their part, CNN is, In her memoirs, states that never become known whether other delegations diseased "or whether ours was a mysterious way, the only".

A final conclusion of the intelligence that the Bush couple had been poisoned, has not been drawn, told CNN. The book of the 63-year-olds should reach the market in May. Next November draws with her husband in his memoirs.

Comment: devour boozes but less, less - then you have no abdominal pain.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How Does Barona Casino Drug Test? rating unfair and unlawful?

The "reviews" on, can give the ex-tenants, unfortunately, lead to the fact that many landlords are being blackmailed and often wrongly discredited.

Owners report that the tenant if they caused damage in the rented apartments, the landlord threatened: "You do not calculate the damage / theft, or I write a bad review and you get no more tenants."

This happened to some landlords I know. I myself as a landlord for 20 years only satisfied guests. Now we had someone who is probably mentally ill and everything bad in the apartment place.

wrote this a poor rating, which can be seen via mouse-over immediately, if you look at our apartment on

Funny, even the next tenant was uebergluecklich again with the same apartment.

So a disgruntled landlord can make your work of decades destroyed.

If you are a landlord, you should thoroughly superior to, if you want to advertise on sites, but also any unreasonable criticism of your apartment, the environment, publish in your behavior - even if you can prove that the assessor's lying.

For tenants, this is all very natural: He can do with the rented house he wants and what can the landlord with defamation on the Internet via vacation-threatening. A charter for bad tenants.

rental agencies may be against such slander on still defend themselves by legal action. Only then may have the Landlord a title against former tenants - but not to From there, one hears: "We can not remove the rating."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Star Tattoos On The Hip And Stomick


An article on Spiegel-online aroused my interest., 1518,691667,00 html

It reads and marvels, and it can not believe. Whether this may also be available in the jurisprudence?