Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Cultivation pots out of newspaper

The question of which one rears his beloved vegetable plants and flowers, traditionally dikutiert hot. Everyone has their own preferences. Some use egg cardboard or cardboard ring from toilet paper rolls, some have small clay pots and unfortunately also use far too many gardeners environmentally harmful Torfquelltöpfchen.

I used to belong to the clay pots and cardboard egg group, but then everything changed. The Paper Potter came into my life. He put all the struggles with mold and my wallet to an end. I will not give up this great, of course, English, invention.

How it works, showing that manufacturers Video:

The Paper Potter allows various levels of growing pot, depending on how wide to cut the newspaper, and I like that. How convenient! Theoretically, one in the spring, the newspaper even potty easy to plant into the ground, where they would rot. My experience of last year is that young plants in the garden grow better if you remove the newspaper from the root ball.

Poetschke When there is a Paper Potter for about 7 €, in which ecological raccoon shipping it costs 15 €. For reactionaries and people who think that everything was better, there is the paper under the name of Potter "paper pot press-Buchholz " for 10.50 € at Manufactum .

Who is the Paper Potter neither buy nor myself want lathe that can safely do without him and use the simple tape-canned version of my namesake Guard Girl: Please do

there is still that high-gloss, colorful printed paper is not suitable for this purpose because, unfortunately, not organic would be very useful to it in the circulation of our garden - bring - or even on our dinner plates.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Equality (same sex) civil unions with marriage - now available for civil servants in NRW. Artificial insemination in

actually said one, this topic is now closed: Same-sex couples can not open marriage, but to enter into a so-called "registered partnership" that the marriage is then equivalent to (largely). RA Ben Becker ( ; Tel: 05251 / 1227-99) reported today that this is still far from being the case, and for example, officials in North Rhine Westphalia is only now re-created a regulatory is to eliminate the unequal treatment in parts.

Also, civil service capacity, life partners and life partners and their dependents as well as their married counterparts to the family allowance or survivor's pension can claim.

This brings the government a draft law on equality of registered partnership and marriage in the state parliament. "This is the state government on its promise from the coalition agreement quickly," said Finance Minister Norbert Walter-Borjans in Parliament.

The bill provides for a reaction on the 3rd December 2003. At this time, would have equal treatment under the EU Directive are transposed into national law need. Legally responsible for different areas and a shorter reaction time would have been possible. The state government is but a single system and has selected a valid reason for all time for the reaction.

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The really big fortune

The snow is finally (again) gone and I'm doing my daily quitschvergnügt around in my little garden. I take photos with enthusiasm every small engine, every little bud and welcome every single snowdrop that begins to bloom.

the very good fortune I experienced today when I returned from the garden, was back in my apartment. I felt that familiar burning sensation in my hand, that is my constant companion on summer days in the garden: nettle!!

How many times I had cursed in the past year on their hair and burning cursed, and now it was their first burn on my hand one of the most beautiful moments of the beginning of the season. I know, presumably, anyone who has gardened never explain myself crazy. But knowing all gardeners: those moments are the very lucky!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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officials - who pays?

If the child be desired in a natural way contractors, there usually. the possibility of artificial insemination. Anyone willing to take the costs, particularly in the context of the aid system, the officials said Today, a lawyer specializing in labor law Susanne Hopfner ( ; Tel: 05251 / 1227-44):

The Federal Administrative Court had ruled on this in a case where a federal official at an artificial fertilization also no legal right to aid his wife's medical expenses if such a Hessian officer because of a principle itself does not receive any reimbursement aid. This results from a ruling by the Federal Administrative Court of 02/24/2011 clarify with the judges on how to deal with the coincidence of differently structured state aid rules. Resulting from the application of the non- on the federal law and the right to statutory health insurance tailored Hesse state law potentially resulting deficit should not be offset against the applicant, as long as the support systems are equivalent.

(Federal Administrative Court, decision of 02.24.2011, Az: 2 C 40/09)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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From gardeners, and (im) patiently girls

I always thought I would be a terribly impatient girl. If my seeds have not germinated after three days, I dig in the ground to look around, whether in the ground at least something does. I have not told anyone, but yes, am I doing. I'm going crazy at bus stops, in queues every kind and always take the first sip of tea before he is ready.

Unfortunately, there is a big part of gardening in waiting. At the moment - just as an example - I am waiting for it to be warmer, I sow the spinach, and planting the beans can. I'm waiting, I pull myself together and build me a cold frame, I'm waiting for the crocodile and the delivery of the ordered flower perennials. I'm waiting for the unfortunate lawn is green again and that the tulips will bloom again in the second year. I'm waiting for the Zeittpunkt, andem I can start full of the culture in the home and full of curiosity and longing for the heyday of rock copper bulb (which is the first bloom!). And these are just examples. Gardening is a single test of patience and waiting.

With so much patience we are gardeners real freaks. Here in the city, it all bad, because I do not take from me. Stress has become a status symbol. Those who stress has to do much, who has much to do, is needed and is important. Therefore, we are in a hurry. We are in such a hurry that we drink our Latte Macchiato on the road in nasty paper cups, while we wait impatiently for the bus, have to buy quickly, quickly homecoming must be rapid and this makes the need.

A week ago I had the honor of an interview for the great project girls can blog! to give . And then, suddenly, it was black and white: gardening has made a new man out of me. I am perhaps the most patient girl that the blogger Annie has ever met. Wow!

So do I even bother me more if I rummage tomorrow in the culture pots on the windowsill. I know now, I can sometimes be different. At least if it is not the slow germination of lettuce. And the crocus flower. And waiting for spring. And the perfect man and all. Yes, aside from all that, I can wait already. Klaro.

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No termination for refusing to work for religious reasons

The termination of an employee who refused for religious reasons, the work is unlawful for the employer to him under the company organization can assign a different job. Specialist Susan Höpfner ( ; Tel: 05251 / 1227-44) indicates that a corresponding decision by the Federal Labor Court of 24.02.2011.

In this case, a Muslim worker who refused to work in the beverage area of a retail market, because he let his faith strictly forbids alcohol to spread. The plaintiff is a devout Muslim. He has worked since 1994 in a large department store. Since 2003, he was employed as a shop assistance. In February 2008 he refused to work in the beverage industry. He relied on his faith, which prohibits him strictly in the distribution of alcoholic beverages contribute. The defendant then announced the employment relationship. That court considered the termination of Schleswig-Holstein effective. In contrast, the applicant submitted a revision.

The BAG has reversed the decision of the LAG and the case remanded for a new trial and decision. Because after the recent progress can not yet judge whether the refusal of the plaintiff to work in the beverage department, which justified the dismissal. As explained in the BAG, must count as shop help in a retail market, employed workers with the assignment of work tasks that require the use of alcohol. Make He claims to be prevented on religious grounds in the exercise of contractually agreed activities, he must notify the employer, the exact nature of the religious reasons. He also had to demonstrate to the employer at which he works to see prevented.

Could the employer as part of the business organization to be fixed by the employee to assign a contractual employment, the religion-related limitations into account, is a dismissal unlawful. (BAG, decision of 24.02.2011, Az: 2 AZR 636/09)