Monday, August 30, 2010

Pokemon Chaining In Heart Gold

Germany (w) mad country! Update

Yes, yes, the silly season! No sooner has Eva Herman driven through the village, there is also already the next turn, Thilo Sarrazin. The problem with these two is probably that they used, apparently for German. If you do something in Germany, one can not just afford mistakes, especially no verbal gaffes, then come hastily namely the "politically correct" on the plan. Despite everything, although I'm not necessarily a fan of the raver community, so I can not speak in an interview about the terrible misfortune of Love Parade "God's punishment." Even the really stupid set of Sarrazin "Jews have another genetics lacks "any technical basis alone. Judaism is a religion of many nationalities and tendencies. German, Russians, Poles, French, American, Palestinian, Lebanese and many other people feel from various ethnic groups belonging to the Jews! By testifying, Sarrazin disqualified simply factual, intellectual, why does he do it? Determined not to spoil yourself! Now sawed off and later as a tribune of the magic box that would be a possibility. A man like
Sarrazin is determined not stupid and many of his statements I do not think so bad as the one or the other on the integration issue or the following statement: "Before a resin 4 receiver sits all day in front of the telly, I see him almost black work better," The man says simply think of what most of us!
But with the last Jews statement he has deprived himself of his political credibility, that He will be the tabloid readers but certainly after no more blame. The favorite playing his "solutions" they are intended for normal people is very catchy and is therefore not non hazardous. Sarrazin's theses have a good beginning but thought much too short. I can not save Germany in limiting the I only the basic protection of the people much shorter and immigration. To do that I need to size, wisdom, justice and courage to make serious changes in myself and show the company and confident manner and matter are competent, the latter is obviously Sarrazin, consciously or unconsciously not been. Germany to rescue is certainly a Herculean task that can not be propped up by an individual, but proceed from the whole society needs and my 25 points to only a small conceptual approach, but in my view, the basis for a healthy Germany:

first A stable monetary system in which the real interest rate is on the leash.
second Abolition of the ECB and building a clean government with Federal Bank to create money monopoly.
third Thinning of the private banking sector.
4th Money must again be recoverable and the output, not the hoarding of money should be rewarded, because that alone can safeguard the money.
5th Withdrawal from the Treaty of Lisbon and exit from the euro area, in which we will otherwise have pumped more and more three-digit billions.
6th A new Constitution under Article 146 is adopted by the German people in self-determination.
7th Repeal of the immunity of parliamentary deputies and prison sentences for perjury if members of the federal government shown to breach their oath.
8th Prohibition of supervisory and union positions of members of parliament.
9th The express warranty state-funded referendums on important national decisions.
10th Peace treaties with all nations with which Germany in the 2nd World War II was in conflict.
11th Self-confidence, Germany has to represent its interests internationally against major powers like the U.S. or China.
12th First Germany must be the motto. Only those companies that have been shown in Germany made to the nation deserves and Germany have at least 70% of its production and development should be allowed to receive the logo "made in Germany" and can be supported by the state if necessary!
13th For dismissals for reasons of rationalization and globalization to demand a high level of social contribution by the company.
14th Dismissal of workers with poor performance, however, are simplified.
15th Losses of German firms abroad will no longer be tax deductible in the home.
16th Small and Medium Enterprises in which the owner or boss is better to be a resident and not at the expense of communities, but at the expense of the Covenant!
17th All tax revenues must be used specifically for tasks of the state. No banking or Länderbailout!
18th Manager would have with your personal assets to the percentage
damage they cause to be involved. For only if this rip-off goes to one's own villa, they will work more cautious, more sustainable and better quality!
19.Unternehmen are trained well, and plenty to distinguish at certain intervals with a price and to promote the state.
20.Der research and education budget to be one of the largest budget items of the federal budget must!
21st Wars are not defending the territory of the FRG, the defense of sovereignty and the preservation of freedom serve its citizens, so wars of aggression and war, NATO and UN operations are prohibited!
22nd GM foods and wild forced addition of iodine, fluoride or the like in drinking water and food to also prohibit.
23rd Food supplements on a voluntary basis are fully charged to approve as long as they do not harm.
24th Unconditional state extra revenue for German families with more than one child. (Prerequisite is min. The German nationality of a parent)
25.Eine CONSEQUENTIAL prosecution of the law, breaking the law, lobbying and corruption in politics and business are with woods by a separate independent Department of Justice.

Instead, the system as above being considered to change fundamentally, in Germany only cure the symptoms and laminated. There are ethnic groups against one another instigated, created new taxes, critics ridiculed, censored the press, we are regulated and monitored, denatured food, and largely freed of vital nutrients and vitamins, nutritional supplements, prohibited the students stupid, teacher job cuts, schools and day care centers closed, debts made and it still strong interest paid and therefore benefits reduced neglected municipal and community infrastructure and therefore reduced. Help is needed, and sometimes a quick Notoparation the best way to save someone! We, however, the terminally ill "patients Germany" is given a painkiller, over the head and stroked the "Einschlafmärchen" by the evil terrorist Wolf says. As long as with people like Sarrazin, Hermann and co no wisdom and vision for a comprehensive transformation of society is there, they should simply be kept closed to some issues, otherwise they make really sensible people unbearable with similar settings. (Maybe they want to even) my father had before for something like a good spell on the way: "Before the start of the mouth, the brain switch," In this sense, let us, as called for in the constitution, accept the invitation of our "constitution" and running our country shape, for the good of the people in our country before radical "savior" to accept this task!

PS: The following link is to the current documentary film highly recommended this course was broadcast by ZDF at 0:35 clock, sleeping at a time when the favorite playing hard-working people who are interested in such a topic already, as they have to get up at five! It shows the disastrous debt of German communities (among other things, my home town of Hagen) and their desperate struggle for the maintenance of the municipal functions. He also describes against the 'ivory tower-like "absence of Federal and European politicians to their congregations that are struggling to survive.
Interesting real! And all they seem to us citizens for this financial and political criminals in Nadelstrifen. Unbelievable!

ZDF Doku: Mayor on the barricades

PPS: Please join quickly or in a campaign against the regulation of dietary supplements. This should be pushed through quietly during the holidays and is absolutely unacceptable. It diminishes your ability to take this week as protein-or vitamin products, make up for the nutrients and vital substances lack of normal foods to determine for themselves! Information you gain if you follow the links!

bill food supplements

expert opinion about the law

list of MPs for the e-mail potest

Kind regards

your Micha

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Root Beer Concentrate Vs Extract

What is time?

articles on modern physics between rationality and God

Now is my vacation time to the the end opposite and adjacent to fun and entertainment, the wonders of nature and great people mix now, by an event, a few thoughts in the last days of my spare time, which fascinated me very much. It is about the term used in the title. The time?
we clarify first of all what time of all. There are several kinds of time, would of this article with detailed treatment certainly be too long, so I let one or the other ambitious physicists among you, my very short unusual summary of the time issue forgive in which I treat only three times when I eventually so will still come to the core of this story . In the physics of you lay I apologize in advance, but if you can summon the patience to durchzubeissen you here, this is something different than just swearing about the errors of others and is still way better than informative.

Newtonian time:

So, since there were first, the Newtonian time, we know in our world as solid divided units. Although it is everywhere the world differently, on the one side of the earth as it is day and is on the other side of the earth at the same time night, in a way different time at the same time. The division of time, however, is all over the world, taking one second is equal to the 86 400 part of a rotation of the earth, or more precisely 9,192,631,770 beats of a cesium atom in an atomic clock. The time allgegenwertig for Newton in the universe and moving, an endless imaginer arrow followed, always in the same clock, be influenced in the same direction.
from the past to the present, to the future, the time goes into what we all wanted to Newton's famous insight: "Absolute, true and mathematical time flows on forever, and there is uniform in nature and without reference to any external object!" least since Einstein, we know that this notion of time is wrong, as the Newtonian time despite their consistent and practical applicability on the ground, but with the laws of fundermentalsten "Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" is not simplistic bahr. Nevertheless, we all live in spite of better knowledge the wrong time! This may be because the division of time this static Newton in our hurried life is better applicable than one individual for each time, even the time-stretching by the Gravity on Earth is too small, as we would remember something of her. In cosmic-spiritual as well as in magnitude, however get to your tremendous importance. The writer and philosopher

JB Priestley wrote the following about the philosophical implications of Newton's time: "Modern man feels a rope tied that draws him inexorably to silence and darkness of the grave ... no thought of an eternal" Dreamtime "be there in the gods and heroes (of which he is not separated for ever) you have to break ground, the modern man could forget his calendar watches are .... and his days are numbered indeed!"

Einstein Time:

Albert Einstein entdekte at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland, ETH short, the incompatibility of Newtonian time, with the above "electrodynamics bewekter body." His research on the movement of electrically charged body could be Einstein by his employer, the Bern patent office, patent immediately.
Electrodynamics got along well but not with the first form of his theory of relativity and Einstein had to say goodbye forever then by a hard and fast rule. The fixing of the time! He then joined the mass movement and time! The revolutionary thing about it was the time and space do not how to Newton, just there were, but the both sizes on the basis of speed / acceleration and appeal (According to latest findings, it handellt at the gravitational more a proof than a tightening effect, this view is in the next few years make for some surprises) were deformed, thus forming an inseparable space-time Kontinum! Space and time are relative to motion and gravity, were the consequences of today's well-known theory of relativity, which is manifested by the formula E = MC ², many buildings of science brought to collapse.
If you could bring a clock to almost harmless Lichtgeschwindigket would your seconds ticking only one to hear his views in 3000 Earth years. According to Einstein's relativity theory but can not break through the light wall, because the necessary energy it would never apply. Particles that would be but of "birth" faster than light, so-called tachyons, would be able to send information in past or future. In recent experiments Lung tunnel at MIT, Beethoven's Ninth symphony was sent to a "time travel", with the result that even before the actual initiation of the experiment, the music information was already back in the receiver. According to conservative calculations, the information about 500,000 km per Sekunnde was fast, so much faster than light! This means that, the experiment has already taken place during the Technical Assistant at MIT had not even pressed the start button on the player. The receiver received the signal from the future of the already executed experiment, although the scientists must have to evaluate the data, the impression, had not yet pressed the button to have. This may sound all pretty crazy, but the elongation of the time calculated by Einstein and the related computational consequences for particles that are faster than light, was already in the 70s nachgewiesesen accurate atomic clock with numerous flight and speed tests, nanoseconds. was also in the modern Teilchenbeschleunigungsanlage the CERN "Life" fast fading particles accelerated to near light speed to precisely the factor calculated extended. So it's true, our time is relative to the movement and the attraction (pressure) power! It all depends very much on the point of reference o). By the way it should be mentioned that there are now the universal time of the expanding universe, the Einstein gained no knowledge more ... these so-called cosmic Hintergrungstrahlung is everywhere in the universe fairly similar, only that fact helped the approximate date of our universe, at all previous times failed miserably and now serves us as a cosmic clock, the accuracy is still controversial among scientists, but what's a few billion years between friends. O)
A famous saying of Einstein's the fact of the relative time also brings to lay the point: "Five minutes with a beautiful girl pass by quickly, the same time is on a hot stove plate, however, an eternity!" Let us keep that in mind!

The subjective / biological time!

Biological Clock is strongly related to body size and the pace of life of the animal. For example, we marvel at the speed of a mouse, however, hippos
are slow and sluggish. Nevertheless lives of each of the two animals, the appropriate for the correct time. Small mammals burn your life energy faster and therefore shorter life, including her reproductive Inter Walle are enormous short darduch they can also generate more conspecifics. Large creatures living much longer and have a dignified slowness of their offspring. In terms of your own body clock, however, all creatures live, including the height comparison, the same length. The pace of life activity to which I allude here covers, breathing and heart rate and the nutritional metabolism. Using these basic sizes, can be defined by mathematical principles, calculate the average life expectancy of an organism. However, here is still the individual to take into account the number of genetic, passed on through inheritance rate of cell division, and diseases. The crucial question here seems to be: "feels the mouse, her intended two years as too short, or do they come before her as the 70 years of a man?" The response of the mouse is probably: "Obviously my life is long enough, as slow as you I would not be true, then I eat but the cat!" Anyone who tries to catch a mouse with the hand knows what I mean! The mouse lives in a different cycle, with other nervous reflexes. In your view, our time is stretched beyond measure and so slow.

Why do I suddenly think about time?

Now that we have experienced a bit over time, as such, I will bring you closer to the trigger that has led me this, I'd like to call him essay to write.
Last week at the beach of Hurghada was pretty hot, and so I decided to go into the sea for me to cool down there a little. At first I really wanted to swim a little, but I noticed surprisingly few people in the water, I enjoyed this quiet moment and put my back on the water. No sound was heard, a propeller klickerte in more distant past and people were perceiving no. I closed my eyes and the sun shone my face, an almost perfect moment. When I felt a little thirsty, I left the water, got me something to drink and went to my bed. To my surprise, asked me where all I was so situation and I said, "I was just a few minutes away" My stepson Kevin looked at me puzzled and told me I was already at least a 3 / 4 hour away was what I had to confirm, after a brief check of my Clock. A little bit crazy because the whole thing and gave me this experience no peace, I discussed with Kevin for a while about the different perception of time. In this conversation, he recommended me a book which he was reading, entitled "Immortality of time, " I can really recommend anyone who is interested in a bit of modern physics between rationality and God. I have at least swallowed it! moments where time seems to pass faster knows every one and also I have they often experienced. Happiness is just not merely the absence of bad luck! than perfect moments of happiness in which time flies and you to be one with eternity seems, is recorded in the Bible and the Qur'an. There are many references in other religions as Hindu monks call this state "Moksha," Buddhists, "Nirvana" and indigenous peoples such as the Australian aborigines call it the "dream time." A common thread in all civilizations the world, there are stories, and even guidance on how such a state of meditation is to achieve! For example, in the 8th century AD, a certain Shankara taught the path of self-realization through "Advaita" to achieve the "Brahman", the absolute timelessness. If time is relative, then, and one's own time in proportion to the time of others and its biological time can be stretched mentally, it might be possible that a self-sufficient spirit would be able, by means of an induced specific mental activity, a measurable time dilation (time distortion) key. Probably so obtained Buddist monks, dressed in nothing but a cloak, were that state, with which they survived in the icy heights of the Himalayas beyond the 6,000 m mark, a good night under the stars. To this end they sat by his own admission your heart and your respiratory rate on an impossible for Europeans level down, which suggesting that man's life be extended by a slower lifestyle / metabolism (without stress and in line with life) probably can! I probably saw a glimpse of this nature purely by chance here on vacation. Even if Einstein was not perfect and fit against his opponents time Bohr and Heisenberg had some setback, he of relativity Super coup succeeded almost in passing. He opened with his theory of unconscious again the gateway to the divine time when the supernatural / divine could ever exist in parallel at all times, which Newton had earlier closed with its fixed time. Einstein imagined with its relative time without it, the Western man returned the theoretical possibility of the supernatural and the divine rational again to consider possible, but unfortunately this is unfinished revolution initiated in our minds yet! In any case, I will draw my conclusions!


your Micha

Source: the immortality of the time - Paul Davis

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dell Gx620 Sound Driver Windows 7 for landlords - bad reviews

I no longer advertise on fewo As I said here, there is now a U.S. site. Accordingly, the landlord offered us miserable performance.

I know even when the site belonged to Germans. But maybe the people are suffering at also because, for example according to U.S. criteria, many now "freelancers" are.

annoys me only this: We should evaluate our rental guests, would have to take it by myself in the nose, for it deals with us, your (ex) customers.

This Home Away Group has bought many English sites, I can assure all that all the accepted sites
www .
and many others just go down the drain. View the fury of our tenants on

and the Yahoo Group Vacation Rentals

on! The Home Away Group takes an arrogant and possibly criminal behavior (which I will explain: possibly criminal in my opinion, as is done by the unilateral introduction of the reviews aid to coercion and extortion) to the day.

recently taken over a valuation on A tenant wanted to avenge himself and lied in his assessment. We could not even prove that he lied and that he sent before extortionate emails ("Either I shall reimburse you 200 euros or I was slandering you on

Despite published these criminal review. I am just like many other owners: Hopefully soon a German site.

you know that in the U.S. there is a constitutional amendment that even the worst Interneteintraege as a "right to free speech" protects?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pinnacle Pctv 150e India Price

Search with www.fewo

Hello, dear fellow-sufferers,

have today greatly annoyed over the Internet portal said:
I have in my ad on Property directly specified a maximum number of guests by 5 people. It is not possible to leave this entry blank. This requirement on my part with the result that I see my object as a kind of non-seekers find when I search for, for example, just 2 people. This Volli *** TEN are not revealed in the Able to program your machine so that my house is also found that 1, 2, 3 or 4 people want to rent my property. I guess roughly, that I go by about 80% of potential buyers through their fingers ...

had on this issue I complained by email, get this, if rather quickly-a content of 2-line as a completely wrong answer. Then I called in Kassel, actually got a lady on the phone, but then in the course of the conversation it became clear that the whole subject has not the slightest idea. Really wonder why I spend over 300 € / year!

Info On Getting Sponsored For Fingerboarding

improve service to clients

About the blog of Tom Kane I found the article "10 Ways to Improve Law Firm Client Service " of the former Morgan Lewis lawyer Stacy West Clark. This list deserves to be passed in the network, because I can pretty much everything she writes, to understand if only because of my clerkship and internship stations and could ausfüttern each point with anecdotes.

At the very beginning of their article hits the mark. She writes there, that one is in the law firms are often quite satisfied to offer a level of service. If But if we ask the client to a grade, there is the service most, a 3 to 4 The perception of both sides is very different. In my experience, the problem already starts with the fact that many clients achieve their lawyer calling difficult and not immediately receive a call back if the Secretary of the name listed. Moreover, it is not always easy for the client to tell the Secretary (which takes in these cases, obviously, a filter function), who was one, because if you call not very regular. It is in our northern region, a law firm I know of in which one has directly have to dial the desired lawyer on the phone. This law firm sprouts and thrives.

How to write Stacy, you can uncover many problems to solve and of course the fact that you ask the client. Also very simple but their point is 2: Ask everyone on the payroll! I would even extend to unpaid interns and clerks. It is time tunnel vision and a view from the outside may well reflect an interesting picture. I can make each of my activities, a list in my mind what I would do differently later.

Without going to respond to each point individually, I'd still points 6 and 8 mention. Clearly should be set only people who offer the service also can, we should mention that against them but also your thanks. This is something that is being forgotten in law firms: the motivation is stronger when their work is recognized. As with compliments to women but the praise should be genuine, otherwise it is worthless. Say, laudable should be mentioned. Can be found - also as compliments to women - almost always something.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Put High Bar Or Horizontal Bar On Your Backyard

German Site ruined

I just wrote in another reply that vacation- now belongs to the Americans.

It seems that know the majority of U.S. Citizen not, for example, that Germany is in Europe.

Have you read that U.S. tourists are complaining on the net about hotels on the beach because there are fish in the water? "That would have to say to me ...."

We German landlord should attempt to to establish a monopoly, without assistance!

superiority you as a landlord, if you do not prefer to German advertising sites.

Can You Buy Gamma Butyrolactone At Home Depot

candidate selection or beauty contest?

In my last post on applications commentators discussed briefly the usefulness of candidate photos. This reminds me of one told in a seminar application of the employment office anecdote. A candidate told that he had received his application form once back with the wrong photo. The research showed: The photos of all the submitted application papers were removed and attached to a wall. The future colleagues then looked at all the photos and selected in a pre-selection, for whom they could imagine as a colleague of applicants. The lecturer of the seminar even said that this was not an isolated case and we therefore recommended to attach the photos in removable form: "! Want to be present at the pageant Do not print the photos directly on the paper"

So, I thought that was a bit strange, I must say. Basically, I think Extreme wrong in selection. In the pre-selection only to look to the notes rather than after the picture has not the best way, but only to look after the photo is probably the worst possible form of candidate selection.

this, I must tell my from the U.S. experience that Americans find it totally inclined to apply with a photo. During my time there was an (American) intern advertised with a photograph. She was very pretty and promised therefore possibly an advantage, it certainly was the unanimous opinion! All spoke on "the application of the photo. As she looked in the photo as Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks series in the photo on the DVD menu of the series, was she just "the Twin Peaks girl". When I told my U.S. colleagues that people in Germany, by the way still applies with a photo and I applied to them only because no picture since I researched before, how to apply in the U.S., were the real surprise. "Yes, but ... uh ... really? You can not do? As can be located but may derive from a photo?" Yes, maybe, but Sun

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Vegetas Feelings For Bulma

smile as a lawyer

I am working very lately with applications. In this context, I have read this morning a book that a lot (actually sent) contains sample applications, which are then reviewed more directly afterwards. This book contains the application of a lawyer born in 1968 (the word "lawyer" in my title is meant to be gender neutral), which is by and large, fared well. However, criticism is a little thing on her photo:
"Maybe the candidate something to smile more, but who knows, enough for this profession, perhaps this mild form of it."
Prima, we lawyers are gone as killjoys. In a seminar by the employment office for graduates but we were actually told recently that the (already in the U.S. by each photo-known) "White Teeth" the smile does not work for every application, as more and honesty is lost. I can see not quite so, but honestly I asked is the "show teeth" anyway.

On another matter is also pointed still: you should not present any each received certificates, 15 units (as in the example) were almost too much.
Now we have lawyers but I think the "problem" that we can alone show by the trainee at least five work references. In addition, there certification for state exams and graduation. There is no one more promotion and work references (part-time jobs, internships, etc.) alone for eight products. And in the above-mentioned seminar of the Labour Office has recently told that everything should be supported by standing in the CV attached documents.
I also think it would be as an employer very suspicious if only selected station products would be included. Although I would not be a judge, but the waiver does my testimony of the civil station, for example, by concealing or not?

we have here, "old hands" or even personnel in the extension of public opinion to our readers?