Thursday, August 12, 2010

Info On Getting Sponsored For Fingerboarding

improve service to clients

About the blog of Tom Kane I found the article "10 Ways to Improve Law Firm Client Service " of the former Morgan Lewis lawyer Stacy West Clark. This list deserves to be passed in the network, because I can pretty much everything she writes, to understand if only because of my clerkship and internship stations and could ausfüttern each point with anecdotes.

At the very beginning of their article hits the mark. She writes there, that one is in the law firms are often quite satisfied to offer a level of service. If But if we ask the client to a grade, there is the service most, a 3 to 4 The perception of both sides is very different. In my experience, the problem already starts with the fact that many clients achieve their lawyer calling difficult and not immediately receive a call back if the Secretary of the name listed. Moreover, it is not always easy for the client to tell the Secretary (which takes in these cases, obviously, a filter function), who was one, because if you call not very regular. It is in our northern region, a law firm I know of in which one has directly have to dial the desired lawyer on the phone. This law firm sprouts and thrives.

How to write Stacy, you can uncover many problems to solve and of course the fact that you ask the client. Also very simple but their point is 2: Ask everyone on the payroll! I would even extend to unpaid interns and clerks. It is time tunnel vision and a view from the outside may well reflect an interesting picture. I can make each of my activities, a list in my mind what I would do differently later.

Without going to respond to each point individually, I'd still points 6 and 8 mention. Clearly should be set only people who offer the service also can, we should mention that against them but also your thanks. This is something that is being forgotten in law firms: the motivation is stronger when their work is recognized. As with compliments to women but the praise should be genuine, otherwise it is worthless. Say, laudable should be mentioned. Can be found - also as compliments to women - almost always something.


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