Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Average Pilot Salary 2010 In Canada

first strike takes place! (Update second strike)

The first strike against the Iranian economic infrastructure can be made! ! Worldwide are currently affected about 45,000 computers and Network! According to initial press reports are affected only in Iran more than 30,000 computers and networks of economic and military. Of German experts, a new computer virus called "stuxnet" discovered spreading it globally. In the main, attacks "stuxnet" industrial control systems of the company "Siemens" on Windows server and PC systems. Stuxnet aims to manipulate the control software, Siemens WinCC and PCS 7. WinCC - an acronym for Windows Control Center - visualized in refineries, power stations and factories, processes, PCS 7 monitors and controls the automated operations. Of the outbreak of the virus attack is clearly the Iranian nuclear site "Bushehr" the now first should be out of service.

Here is a satellite photo:

spread from there, from the virus and infected all the control computers which are linked directly or indirectly with the Iranian nuclear facilities. How convenient, IF THE ABOVE caught not only Iran but also all who do somehow to do with Iran and harms way to the competition, the German conglomerate Siemens. "Do these vulnerability of Siemens equipment not just to promote sales, they also did not know where Iran is the Siemens technology have absolutely," said a Siemens spokesman. (Who believe it * lol *) Whether the leak at Siemens has considered is unclear, at least, the programmer of the virus in the well-known from (top secret) Siemens source code! According to computer security experts Symatec, Kaspersky and Co. this virus is extremely detailed with sophisticated knowledge of Siemens, Microsoft and the industry SCADA system control technology (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) to manufacture and thus differs from a hacker attack. Insiders expect a government background, since the top resources for the production of the virus the ability of a single company by far.

The software vendor Kaspersky said:
"target stuxnet of it is obviously, access to system controls obtain, as they are used worldwide in oil pipelines, power plants, large telecommunications systems, airports, ships and even military applications. The insider knowledge of SCADA technology, the sophistication of the multi-faceted attack, the use of multiple Windows and Siemens vulnerability and abuse of legitimate certificates suggested that developed stuxnet by highly trained professionals who enjoyed enormous resources and financial support. Our company therefore considers that it is a state-sponsored attack is. "

experts call a sophisticated virus, ever.

IT security expert Ralph Langner this:
"Who developed the software and put into circulation is not yet known. It can not form hacker. One need a team of about 50 people and the world's best specialists in this area, of which there are more than ten in the world. These expenses can only afford a state. Since the attack was apparently aimed specifically at Iran, there is speculation that the U.S. or Israel could be behind the attack. To prove this is likely to be but not "

Stuxnet was one of the" most sophisticated and unusual malware ever written, " condemned the U.S. trade magazine "Computer World". Siemens, the manufacturer of the equipment concerned, seemed perplexed. On Tuesday, the headline of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung:" The digital first strike took place. " Goal of Stuxnet is the Iranian nuclear program was, it said. Well, at least this time there were no bombs! This can paralyze with a virus the infrastructure of an entire country can still be quite serious, opening up many new possibilities for the warmongers. This virus is capable of complete control of nuclear and military bases to take on and what they can afford future, other viruses will be a lot more! Imagine that a foreign would be in a position of power, such as the regulation of graphite rods in nuclear power to block it, with which nuclear fuel rods can be controlled. In this way an accident could be included provoked meltdown. Oh, by the way we need, according to the new "nuclear consensus" of the black-yellow government, no security updates for more nuclear power plants in Germany! Glad you ever been to the ways Americans or other nations for our power plants Gammel "crumbs" or "Brunsbüttel" thus have! Missiles could also an opponent, without being to do his fired to bring about a military conflict. The possibilities seem endless. In any case, the elite a new dangerous toys discovered with which they can still experimenting around a lot. I think that was just the beginning. We will hear much of this "toy" and get to see! Sleep better we can with such nice inventions of our leaders (of course only contribute to our "protection") is certainly not all!


your Micha

Update: According to the FAZ and Wikileaks was the second cyber attack Western intelligence on Iran's nuclear facilities. Here is the first attack!

Starting out as of early 2009, Action Date, the result is a fascinating chain of circumstantial evidence. In mid-July 2009 Wikileaks published a cryptic note with the help of an informant from Iran, a nuclear accident in Natanz, which is said to have occurred shortly before. In Natanz, much of the Iranian uranium is enriched using centrifuges. The BBC reported at the same time that the head of Iran's nuclear agency, Gholam Reza Aghazadeh had resigned. Even then there was speculation that exposure to operate within the framework of a comprehensive cyber-sabotage program, which Western intelligence agencies for years against Iran. The services are trying by all sorts of methods to impede Iran's nuclear program and delay. It will be interesting to further attacks!

Bayern 3 / A virus hold the world in suspense
RP Online / The power of computer viruses or Iran was the target?
mirror / Stuxnet or the worm out of nowhere!
FAZ - The digital first strike is made!
N24 - Computer virus attacks Iran!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Meaningful Birthday Wish

Stops Satanists! (2.Update)

caution that the article contained no movies are for children and unstable people!

We all know the spectacular case of the Belgian child molester
Marc Dutroux, who for many years women and children kidnapped, raped and sold it until he was arrested in December 1995. In the course of the investigation 27 died of the main prosecution witnesses, most of them were murdered and the other unclear cases, the authorities made resistant to an autopsy. This attitude of Justice brings the families of the victims to despair for years. Even as the (investigating the Dutroux case) Simon Poncelet policeman was shot at night at the police station, the Belgian Justice shows no increased ambition in the investigation of this murder police officers. Why should a policeman have been shot (in a safe guard) ever by a single offender with no motive and how did the perpetrators do it? As I said, no one is interested in determining apparatus real, and this murder was not associated with our case. Also, which (in charge of the Dutroux case) Attorney Massa in his office shortly after the adoption of the case, allegedly shot, is not associated with the event name. Massa was at the height of his career, was a happily married family man and had no financial or even health problems. If a man brings is certainly not over and that too with no note. Ridiculous! The investigation spans the remarkable than 300,000 Belgians with anger to the streets in mass protests are brought, not to explain. Key witnesses, including Dutroux escaped from custody and were later found shot dead. Doutroux himself, who was captured after four hours later protested to the conviction of having worked for the highest circles! Investigators allegedly found in house searches, not the dungeons, although they heard the voices of the imprisoned children! Dutroux was thus again set free! The dungeons of the children were found in subsequent searches at once though, but there were the kidnapped girl starved to death already! The financial sources of the welfare recipients Marc Dutroux (which, moreover, many houses had, in which he imprisoned his victim) was just so little explored, such as the testimony of Sums of money and places to have found the city in which transfers for abducted children ... etc. etc.
investigator Constable Rottenberg, who drove forward with great use of the investigations, was deposed by the judiciary for alleged bias. The reason: The judge had attended a spaghetti dinner of the surviving children Sabine and Laetitia. Unbelievable! The man said, not even about the case, he would show the children that were at least 80 days locked up in agony, only compassion. Almost eight years, should take to process, during which time many witnesses forget important details and she made in the late process credibility. The ensuing ZDF documentary shows a startling way, as a Justice and infiltrated government can cover such a monstrous crime. Just because presumably high-level industrialists, politicians, nobles and other celebrities in these inhumane things could be involved. Convicted but was only a small group of four members of the Children procurement band, including Marc Dutroux. In the directions of the order and donors, however, was never identified!

Update: N24 Doku
Erschüternde Details of the victims of occult fairs where people Menschenofper desecration and practiced. This time in France as a network that connects to a surprising Belgian case of Marc Dutroux has!

you think there is no such thing in Germany? Nil! In my report "hypocrites in office" (March 2010) I described the results of the investigation of television presenter Hans Meiser example. The man revealed that reputable member of parliament visited the Berlin children at public expense line and laughed about it with fellow celebrities. Because of its unveiling intention Meiser was by his employers (the German TV channels) business ruined by character assassination. Even in Germany there are so pedophile high-ranking persons. The numbers of people in Germany victims have become ritual violence speak volumes:

Dr. R. Kownacki of the Working Group on ritual violence-NRW ", in his study:

In one survey, the Ruhr area were almost 2000 questionnaire on ritual violence sent to psychologists treat the victims of violence. The aim of the survey was to find out how many victims of violence have suffered a ritual violence. 48% of questionnaires returned, 85.6% of you had had no contact with ritual violence. However, 14.6% reported ever to have come into contact with ritual acts. After filtering the data (multiple entries in the circle, the distinction between nichtritueller and Ritual Violence, credibility test and statistical adjustment) remained still whopping 7.5%, min also. 72 victims of ritual abuse left, which is therefore currently are in treatment and alone in the Ruhr! The real figure, and even the national average but are much higher. In NRW, 97% of all credible located in Therapy ritual abuse cases. Here are some numbers to what happened to the victims according to their own statements:

(1st number NRW / 2 Number of national average)

events described the victim as a percentage:

forced to absolute obedience 60% / 80%
animal sacrifice 40% / 80%
Sexual abuse 70% / 80%
corpse desecration 15% / 25%
Strict confidentiality forced 80% / 90%
human sacrifice 25% / 40%
Black Masses 50% / 60%
Ritual physical abuse 60% / 70%

Source: Data collection Ritual violence Bistum_Münster

So a conservative estimate, are currently well over 1,000 people nationwide for the worst emotional pain through ritual abuse in professional care. Like many victims, however, why not go to the police or the doctor who commit suicide or even just mention, is not exactly known. Some missing children and some unsolved murders go safely to the account of these perverts in secret discharged and desecrated babies never mind!
The number of ritual abuse cases has doubled in the way the last 15 years compared to the same previous period! The frightening part is that covered up in Germany of high and powerful members of society and manipulated what you can! Again, there is a network of ecclesiastical dignitaries, politicians, managers, industrialists, footballers and other celebrities who can not be established in spite of your deeds! Why are employed in such cases, no special commissions with BKA or constitutional protection specialists, but only the normal criminal investigation department? Perhaps our justice system has so afraid of what they might discover? Not for nothing are then killed in Belgium, a chief prosecutor, dismissed by a judge and 27 witnesses have been killed. 2005, the then interior minister of Saxony, Thomas de Maizière was informed by the intelligence on organized crime operations so bad that saw the protection of the Constitution, the basic order of democracy at risk in Germany! It was about child abuse, corruption and abuse of enormous dimensions ... but nothing happened!
Despite, or because these occult soup spilled over to Berlin, were included here do not investigate. The lawyer Klaus Koenig dealt long with the corruption scandal and also filed a criminal charges to the government and he says: "He (Thomas de Maizière) has obviously, as we now know all, be highly sensitive information fall on Mafia involvement in the administration in Saxony under the table, rather than, as its service and official duty would have been to refer the matter to the competent authorities with it. "As covered the interior minister of a country actually an occult child porn ring, before warning the Vafassungsschutz clear. Not great!
love "monopoly power" does not differ from these previous structures and networks that support combat in your ranks these perverts such a price. Although it is dangerous, it is your damned Job!
The ARD has highlighted the following documentation in the suffering and unspeakable acts, which the victims were exposed to these Satanists. These rituals were so bad that I would not write about it, they are the victims but described in detail in the film. Occult places where such acts have taken place are, among other things, the "Extern stones" and the "Wevelsburg in NRW. caution, the film is not suitable for children!

Until then

your Micha


data collection Ritual violence Bistum_Münster

ZDF Report - Dutroux and dead witnesses
ARD report - Satanism in Germany
plutocrats - Report Saxony swamp

Monday, September 20, 2010

Homer Hardware Commercial Scissors

Before I forget:

Recently, a tenant of www.fewo. As these tenants know they can rent us for the lowest paid in error within our advertising denounce ..... these tenants have not even the shit out of the toilet bowl away. (Sorry for the clear formulation)

I have for misconduct, as determined by the contract, deducted an amount of 5 € from the deposit. Because in our D to make it even 7-year old clean the toilet .......

Because of my "audacity" to charge him 5 € for the removal of its faeces, then this www.fewo wrote on that my poor house However, he would have us do not get a pillow .... (All a lie)

Property has published these lies within my paid ad. I have no more rental inquiries.

Thus, each lessor victim of slander and blackmail fewo and sites with reviews are.

Chefmate Model Bc-87/h Property directly tenant from hell


So again this weekend a lot of stress. A Home Away tenants had rented since 2010 and it was agreed a long time that our staff meet the tenant at 16 clock in the apartment.

But the tenants left on yesterday's Sunday our staff to wait more than an hour ... of course, without that we would get paid for the waiting time.

Then I knew that this home-away tenants - this smear site - often posting.

So I had instructed our employees to buy wine, pastries, fresh flowers for the tenant.

now appeared that hell-tenants of home-away-home!

first No "sorry" that you let us wait an hour
second No "thank you" for the more visible
third Question of the tenant, where is the PC (never behauotet, we would ask for the PC Fools)
4th Wonder how you make a call to the U.S. (in black and white in the accounting records on our website in the Information folder in the apartment) .. and anyway, these idiots can not use the Internet, here to be informed about in advance? Worse. Many U.S. renters do not even know that we do not pay in Europe with USD.
5th 5 minutes after collection, we asked if we (to come to Europe to see her bullshit-TV) received CNBC

Our staff completed after 2 hours with the nervous, me too. Say that this vacation-home away tenant is sure to call every day several times ..

right And!

call Monday morning at 7 clock to the 1st tenant At times. Needless to sagne that on our website is when the office is open.

The HomeAway tenants have cut out the fuse with 110 V devices. So does our staff at 7:30 On Monday morning, FREE (when it comes to, because I supposed to our tenants 'care' - as in the nursing home or mental hospital) go to the apartment and hochdruecken the backup.

let his landlord as a warning. Avoid taking tenants I'm sorry, but among the Americans there seems to be a lot of idiots (say many U.S. citizens it yourself: Quote from a journalist: stay The more the U.S. citizens away from the coasts, the dumber they are. ").

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Af Cramps But High And Soft Cervix

on a steel border Future (Part 2)

Oh man, I've already heard, but could imagine I'm not! The uranium munitions due to their high penetrating power is used in war zones was clear to me, but these bullets cause harm to the generations on a sustainable basis in your heritage and exceed even the radiation effects of the Hiroshima and Nagasakibombenabwürfe makes me speechless! Professor Horst Günther Sigma was this question for years and fell ill with cancer himself. His shocking Summarizes the results WDR together in the subsequent five-part report. Not only local areas of the war in Serbia, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering from diseases and deformities, but also Alleierte 150 000 soldiers and your newborn child! Professor Günther (the man is a hero to me! ) was sentenced to five weeks in jail only because he brought for examination purposes, a single uranium projectile to the Free University of Berlin (radiation hazards to the public)! Those, however, store the millions of bullets in Germany to the firing in other countries and can radiate to all peoples, be celebrated as heroes. When the professor reached with the uranium projectile, the university, he was arrested by a hundred officials and a radiation protection command turned this A basement with tons of high-tech. And although that time Defense Minister Scharping, together with NATO in parliament claimed the ammunition was safe. Even our own soldiers was nothing about the dangers of DU ammunition reported (The film was to show you never)! "The gratitude of a nation is surely you, dear soldier!" "Soldier'll ask your sick colleagues whether they received compensation, and you will see that only a few who have complained are also accepted! The Oberhammer but is yet to come! Imagine Just imagine where that comes from this genocidal uranium munitions. ... Right, from German nuclear power plants. Depleted uranium is needed to produce these munitions and that is exactly the nuclear waste from the nuclear waste shipments. The U.S. and British military will pay good prices for our nuclear waste, there shines the nuclear consensus but in a very different "light" is not true! Sun poison disposal makes it fun again, right? Our democracy seems to be only a mask behind which hides a nasty caricature of greed, murder and manslaughter, if our politicians are still possessed an ounce of integrity they would support such a thing never try this type of ammunition and the world to outlaw! Sergeant at last! Many thanks to the brave journalists who risked life and limb for this story this and even more shocking truths you find in the WDR report that follows and the mirror link at the bottom:!






Finally, a little song about it. Real worth listening to!


your Micha


WDR Doku (see above)

Mirrors Review - The brilliant legacy or the hidden nuclear war

Saturday, September 11, 2010

How Can ı Do Skatepark For Tech Deck

Happy Birthday 9 / 11

My opinion about 9 / 11 is well known that I've already described in detail two blogs of mine. My first blog from March 2010 said on the subject "We do not believe you," and dealt with the contradictions of the 11th September at about the Twin Towers and WTC 7 In the second blog on this topic (Qui bono 9 / 11 April 2010), I wanted to find out who the main direct financial benefit would have been of the attacks. 9th Anniversary, I would like something less spectacular but right now the other two flights of 11 See September. First, the flight 93 and second, to the Pentagon Flight 77th
Let's look first of Flight 93 on:

recently discovered Court records contradict the "hero myth" of flight 93rd This machine is the plane that the official version of events after, crashed on 11.09.2001 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The reports of the mass media later the movie "United 93" has been misrepresented. That the following legend, there was a passenger called Todd Beamer on board the flight 93rd This is said to have teamed up with other passengers to wrest control of the aircraft for the kidnappers, which will in turn have caused the crash. According to various media reports during the flight was Todd Beamer, a 13-minute telephone conversation with a telephone exchange by a person on the plane fixed Phone. In this case, Boeing aircraft in the Series 757 and 767 on no fixed phones.

The official "phone" version is also in stark contradiction to court records from the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui, who was convicted in 2006 in connection with the attacks. The following, submitted by the FBI official piece of evidence from this process is an itemized bill from your phone Todd Beamer, which was supplied by his network operator.

Flight 93 was 08:42 to 10:06 in the air and in that time were no calls at all instead of the phone. The list shows, however, calls that should have taken place after the Plane had already crashed!
There was almost all the passengers of Flight 93 such or similar circumstances stored strange, for lack of time I am not able to respond to all the other can and leave it at this example. More important in this context seems to me the question what about the passengers of United Airlines flight happen 93rd According to official statement from United Airlines Flight 93 is amazingly still available as a fully operational aircraft and flies today! The crash of Flight 93 was also communicated to any insurance company today. Pretty funny, is not it? Listen up and now it is: UA Flight 93 landed safely at the airport in Cleveland as the following Log of events proves:

United Airlines UA-93 landed safely, according to contemporary reports in Cleveland:

The Associated Press (AP) and other local newspapers of Ohio reported at 10:45 am that a plane of the Delta Airlines Word searches and no explosives had been found on board.

Delta Airlines confirmed the landing of a Delta flight No. 1989 in Cleveland already 10:10. According to various testimonies is examined, the Delta airplane by the FBI, sniffer dogs and the passengers interviewed separately for two hours.

A message from AP includes at 10:45, that the Delta plane was on the Hopkins Airport no explosives on board.

from 10:45 are two different messages, according to emergency landing aircraft at Hopkins Airport in Cleveland: Delta 1989 and UA 93

came at 11:43 of the clock by private TV station WCPO in Cincinnati, an official report, was premiered in 1993 landed on the Hopkins Airport in Cleveland.

Mayor White gave to the press in this context, the following: "The plane was at Hopkins International Airport brought in a security zone and evacuated United identified the plane as flight 93rd." Television station, WCPO, Cincinnati, 9.11.2001, 11:43:57 Clock.

Unbelievable is not it? When Flight 93 is landed without prejudice on the part of the military-Hopkins Airport, where are the 182 Passengers? Frankly, I shudder at the thought of what might have happened to the poor people by landing more than any crash scenario! become Imagine the horror these people before they realized that from their supposed rescuers are their executioners. I sincerely hope that you find these killers and punished, which is one of the families of the victims guilty!

And now to the Pentagon-Flight 77:

Here are the statements of witnesses are recorded, which the approach of the machine on the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 saw his own eyes. It is credible witnesses because they are police officers here, public officials, an air traffic controller and employees of the Pentagon, the separated interviewed from each other, were located were absolutely safe and made the same observations.
your description of the approach of the machine is totally contrary to the Pentagon's official explanation of the crime. She came from a different direction, was much too high and flew over the Pentagon.
ie, 13 eyewitnesses contradict completely the official version of the crime. Accordingly, this is what we are told about the Pentagon attack a lie, never took place Sun It looks like a machine flew over the U.S. Department of Defense, while there was an explosion. It should look just as if a Boeing is stamped into the Pentagon. Behind the explosion cloud disappeared, the aircraft after all testimony.
This sequence of events explains all the other inconsistencies, like the small hole of only five meters, in which a will all be gone 757 supposedly the undamaged facade with intact windows, the lack of large debris from the Pentagon, the immaculate lawns and so far no single video was released, which shows an aircraft plunging into the Pentagon. It also explains why the 50-meter high mast, which stands exactly on the official flight route is still intact today! He still stands because he was not hit. As if the plane was a totally different route?

This photo above shows the alleged Impact hole at ground level with a support column in the middle and the window above which are still intact. What should be a 757 Out of Control with a wingspan of almost 40 meters and a height of nearly 14 meters rowing there? The Pentagon has only a height of 24 meters.
The air traffic controller of the helicopter landing pad in front of the Pentagon, which was right next to the explosion point was to the Tower and he watched as the machine just came to him, but from an entirely different direction from the 9 / 11 Commission Report describes it, not just over the grass, but much higher. He then took cover and felt an explosion.
a warehouseman of the Pentagon says he heard as a machine approached, ran out to see what is to come, saw the explosion and saw a plane flying over the building across.
According to these consistent statements, the claim that a Boeing 757 of American Airlines Flight 77 was flown just above the ground, had it knocked down specifically enhanced street lights undamaged and then to the first floor would be the Pentagon's cracked, completely wrong. Funny just that right in the damaged part of the Pentagon, those researching department that actively worked on the control of the U.S. military wastes. This division was shortly before that reveal who keep missing the 2.3 trillion U.S. dollars, or has squandered! Solo therefore, the call for a new and independent inquiry is about what's really on 11 September 2001 was justified and absolutely necessary. For these events, the key to the new world order which we should subordinate all. Not with me, gentlemen!
given here are my favorite saying of Abraham Lincoln:

"You can keep all the people some time
and some people all the time,
but not all people all the time to fool"

you notice it!


your Micha

Sources: Oliver Janich / Focus Money Report
World Press / The Honigmann
The 9 / 11 Plot

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kate Nash Foundations Piano Sheet Blog

On a bright future!

Well, I'm certainly not a "green" and nuclear power is cheap, but what we are as served as a nuclear compromise that reveals the greed of our black-yellow government and its in the background lurking border Credit mafia. Power plant operators such as Eon, RWE and Co. will make a 12-14 year life extension up to 200 billion in additional profits, what the federal government mitverdient difficult to relevant documents for you and your creditors. In addition, the obligations of the nuclear power plant retrofit operators drastically scaled down, because the corporations will not so much to taxable profit is lost. To bring the energy giants to even further out of the responsibility for care of the "concept of duty" in "custody" has been renamed. In the unpublished draft law of the Federal Environment Ministry, the ARD is present MONITOR editorial, this is a new paragraph 7d provided that lowers the previously existing level of protection of nuclear law clearly. For essential security area that's no more upgrades are required to meet the state of science and technology. Instead, the bill only by a duty to care for the speech. "The duty to care only establishes the obligation to make an effort. They are not committed to a Success. That is, first activities are sufficient to meet this obligation, "criticizes the nuclear law expert Prof. Alexander Rossnagel the planned nuclear law amendment against MONITOR. "When in doubt, goes a fence, with which one begins the activities." But that's not all! In the same breath in this bill the law of the excluded citizens to defend themselves against this catastrophic threat to life and limb and to complain if the law would come by then. Plane crashes, terrorist attacks with armor-piercing weapons, or even earthquake damage, etc., then legally the higher authorities, so packed to the potential risks, for which the operator in case of emergency no liability! Even if the operator modernize its nuclear plants for a few euro could order them and give them the safest state of the art, eg to protect human life, it shall be the amendment to the new atom is far! In case of further damage, a security update might have prevented the group would then invoke the law tailored specially for him and so would be off the hook! And who pays for the damage (if at all because they were affordable, Greetings from Chernobyl)? Of course, the taxpayers!! Dear Mrs. Merkel, can I remember, in this case to their oath of office and your own words?

"I swear that I will dedicate my efforts to the benefit of the German people, their welfare, protect them from harm, defend respect the Basic Law and the Law of the Federation, fulfill my duties conscientiously, and do justice to all persons will. So true So help me God. "

also rings your statement on nuclear security to me still in my ears: "The safety and health of the German people are not negotiable," but it seems! How many euros it was worth to you? Apart from the power plants where the rods are supposed to go? There is still no coherent security concept for the disposal of nuclear waste, while but filed already busy working on an expropriation strategy is to drive the farmers above the (planned for final disposal) salt domes Gorleben. (Long live the new socialism) Again, ladies and gentlemen "is not Gorleben sure there always prevent breaks because water is a certain rock and soil layers lack the sudden falls !!!!! Do we now irradiate ground water, or what?
your mad since they all become! Paper is for you traitors to the life of your people! Besides these safety municipal public utilities have invested billions as the power supply to replace the retiring nuclear power in accordance with consensus. This "compromise" are once again against all the agreements, the average urban provider damaged and large corporations benefit! A large group squashed in the global market if it becomes necessary, the city works on the other hand we try to keep the light on, even when things do not run so well. Do not you forget! Even if nuclear power is cheaper, so our government has certainly not had before us citizens to ease the financial burden with this number on the price of electricity, but honest to yourself and make your men behind the bags full! Shame on you your venal hypocrites!

Kind regards Micha

PS: Thank you monitor! Finally a report revealing the soft-washed media!
PPS: Now Allen Focus Money, Oliver Janich has struck on 9 / 11 again!

Yes, indeed triggered by the alternative media pressure to act in the mainstream can no longer ignore. Well done!


Focus: Radiant Zunkuft for nuclear lobby

Süddeutsche: irradiated nuclear compromise

WDR Monitor: Federal Government lowers nuclear safety standards
MDR: is Atomkomproniss fundraising
star: Atom brings warm autumn

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can Gall Stones Cause An Enlarged Liver

morality in the test

Perhaps one or other criminal law of this web-found object finds interesting. The cases seem in any case a StrafR-AT textbook sprung be ...

The moral sense test is a web-based Investigation of the nature of human moral appeal. How do people decide what is right and what is wrong? To answer this question, we have a series of moral dilemmas designed to examine the psychological mechanisms of moral judgments. By presenting these dilemmas on the web, we hope the similarities and differences in moral judgments of people of different ages, different cultures, different education levels, different religions, different professions and different life circumstances to understand. Participation in this study is simple, quick and anonymous. Click on one of the buttons above for more information about our moral sense test to receive and to join him.