caution that the article contained no movies are for children and unstable people!
We all know the spectacular case of the Belgian child molester
Marc Dutroux, who for many years women and children kidnapped, raped and sold it until he was arrested in December 1995. In the course of the investigation 27 died of the main prosecution witnesses, most of them were murdered and the other unclear cases, the authorities made resistant to an autopsy. This attitude of Justice brings the families of the victims to despair for years. Even as the (investigating the Dutroux case) Simon Poncelet policeman was shot at night at the police station, the Belgian Justice shows no increased ambition in the investigation of this murder police officers. Why should a policeman have been shot (in a safe guard) ever by a single offender with no motive and how did the perpetrators do it? As I said, no one is interested in determining apparatus real, and this murder was not associated with our case. Also, which (in charge of the Dutroux case) Attorney Massa in his office shortly after the adoption of the case, allegedly shot, is not associated with the event name. Massa was at the height of his career, was a happily married family man and had no financial or even health problems. If a man brings is certainly not over and that too with no note. Ridiculous! The investigation spans the remarkable than 300,000 Belgians with anger to the streets in mass protests are brought, not to explain. Key witnesses, including Dutroux escaped from custody and were later found shot dead. Doutroux himself, who was captured after four hours later protested to the conviction of having worked for the highest circles! Investigators allegedly found in house searches, not the dungeons, although they heard the voices of the imprisoned children! Dutroux was thus again set free! The dungeons of the children were found in subsequent searches at once though, but there were the kidnapped girl starved to death already! The financial sources of the welfare recipients Marc Dutroux (which, moreover, many houses had, in which he imprisoned his victim) was just so little explored, such as the testimony of Sums of money and places to have found the city in which transfers for abducted children ... etc. etc.
investigator Constable Rottenberg, who drove forward with great use of the investigations, was deposed by the judiciary for alleged bias. The reason: The judge had attended a spaghetti dinner of the surviving children Sabine and Laetitia. Unbelievable! The man said, not even about the case, he would show the children that were at least 80 days locked up in agony, only compassion. Almost eight years, should take to process, during which time many witnesses forget important details and she made in the late process credibility. The ensuing ZDF documentary shows a startling way, as a Justice and infiltrated government can cover such a monstrous crime. Just because presumably high-level industrialists, politicians, nobles and other celebrities in these inhumane things could be involved. Convicted but was only a small group of four members of the Children procurement band, including Marc Dutroux. In the directions of the order and donors, however, was never identified!
Update: N24 Doku
Erschüternde Details of the victims of occult fairs where people Menschenofper desecration and practiced. This time in France as a network that connects to a surprising Belgian case of Marc Dutroux has!
you think there is no such thing in Germany? Nil! In my report "hypocrites in office" (March 2010) I described the results of the investigation of television presenter Hans Meiser example. The man revealed that reputable member of parliament visited the Berlin children at public expense line and laughed about it with fellow celebrities. Because of its unveiling intention Meiser was by his employers (the German TV channels) business ruined by character assassination. Even in Germany there are so pedophile high-ranking persons. The numbers of people in Germany victims have become ritual violence speak volumes:
Dr. R. Kownacki of the Working Group on ritual violence-NRW ", in his study:
In one survey, the Ruhr area were almost 2000 questionnaire on ritual violence sent to psychologists treat the victims of violence. The aim of the survey was to find out how many victims of violence have suffered a ritual violence. 48% of questionnaires returned, 85.6% of you had had no contact with ritual violence. However, 14.6% reported ever to have come into contact with ritual acts. After filtering the data (multiple entries in the circle, the distinction between nichtritueller and Ritual Violence, credibility test and statistical adjustment) remained still whopping 7.5%, min also. 72 victims of ritual abuse left, which is therefore currently are in treatment and alone in the Ruhr! The real figure, and even the national average but are much higher. In NRW, 97% of all credible located in Therapy ritual abuse cases. Here are some numbers to what happened to the victims according to their own statements:
(1st number NRW / 2 Number of national average)
events described the victim as a percentage:
forced to absolute obedience 60% / 80%
animal sacrifice 40% / 80%
Sexual abuse 70% / 80%
corpse desecration 15% / 25%
Strict confidentiality forced 80% / 90%
human sacrifice 25% / 40%
Black Masses 50% / 60%
Ritual physical abuse 60% / 70%
Source: Data collection Ritual violence Bistum_Münster
So a conservative estimate, are currently well over 1,000 people nationwide for the worst emotional pain through ritual abuse in professional care. Like many victims, however, why not go to the police or the doctor who commit suicide or even just mention, is not exactly known. Some missing children and some unsolved murders go safely to the account of these perverts in secret discharged and desecrated babies never mind!
The number of ritual abuse cases has doubled in the way the last 15 years compared to the same previous period! The frightening part is that covered up in Germany of high and powerful members of society and manipulated what you can! Again, there is a network of ecclesiastical dignitaries, politicians, managers, industrialists, footballers and other celebrities who can not be established in spite of your deeds! Why are employed in such cases, no special commissions with BKA or constitutional protection specialists, but only the normal criminal investigation department? Perhaps our justice system has so afraid of what they might discover? Not for nothing are then killed in Belgium, a chief prosecutor, dismissed by a judge and 27 witnesses have been killed. 2005, the then interior minister of Saxony, Thomas de Maizière was informed by the intelligence on organized crime operations so bad that saw the protection of the Constitution, the basic order of democracy at risk in Germany! It was about child abuse, corruption and abuse of enormous dimensions ... but nothing happened!
Despite, or because these occult soup spilled over to Berlin, were included here do not investigate. The lawyer Klaus Koenig dealt long with the corruption scandal and also filed a criminal charges to the government and he says: "He (Thomas de Maizière) has obviously, as we now know all, be highly sensitive information fall on Mafia involvement in the administration in Saxony under the table, rather than, as its service and official duty would have been to refer the matter to the competent authorities with it. "As covered the interior minister of a country actually an occult child porn ring, before warning the Vafassungsschutz clear. Not great!
love "monopoly power" does not differ from these previous structures and networks that support combat in your ranks these perverts such a price. Although it is dangerous, it is your damned Job!
The ARD has highlighted the following documentation in the suffering and unspeakable acts, which the victims were exposed to these Satanists. These rituals were so bad that I would not write about it, they are the victims but described in detail in the film. Occult places where such acts have taken place are, among other things, the "Extern stones" and the "Wevelsburg in NRW. caution, the film is not suitable for children!
Until then
your Micha
data collection Ritual violence Bistum_Münster
ZDF Report - Dutroux and dead witnesses
ARD report - Satanism in Germany
plutocrats - Report Saxony swamp
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