Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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The linguistic development of the word "fuck" No

Having recently from a "Mother Fucking Litigator " reported, I was pointed out that the Hamburg Evening Journal today published a report entitled "What the F *** ! The dirty word has many meanings " published . There you can also the word "motherfucking" and specifically in a context of Miles Davis biography, frequently made in the use of this word and that was certainly in a positive way. In the evening it is
Journal said:
"It was a mother fucker" translated Jakobeit [Note: the biography of translator] with "It was the strongest terms," "Sarah Vaughn (famous jazz singer) was a mother fucker too" with "Sarah Vaughn is a cool bitch" and "it was hotter than a motherfucker" with "it was scorching.
I had previously read the report, I would not have been quite so surprised about the use of the word in connection with a defense lawyer. In our translations, the word is it anyway defused much.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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should I recently read for the music industry an important court decision in order to explain this to the other team over. Consisting of several pages copy but saw not look after a court ruling. Since I already knew, that for any decision is at least 100 other documents, I assumed that I was possibly sent the wrong document.

startled me and the imprint "Second amended final judment. How then is to understand now? Once you skin out a verdict and if you are not satisfied then change it again as a precaution ("to amend") and then calls it "final" before there is even more nagging? According to the motto: "So this decision I mean really seriously now this is my final version!." Or how, or what?

was only the last paragraph of the court decision then a little insight. There it was held that this decision the previous decision from 1950 (!) be repealed. That actually made some sense, because the amended text has been expanded to streaming licenses and 1950, there were no nunmal streaming, but the birth of rock'n'roll after all, was already before. Here in the "code based Germany" we know so little, of course, not to change an opinion, because there are new laws adopted instead.

Still surprised me still the structure of the appeal, which more resembled a contract, because such was the beginning of definitions. Perhaps the judges before the clothing of his duties, a judge, " Motherfucking Litigator? But he also has to Surely - like us also - adhere to certain rules on the ruling establishment, when he was elected judge? A consultation with my lawyer friend on the ground revealed: "No, he has not." In the Law School to become informed but, as a verdict would be "nice", but it has to hold not a judge. When I explained that that we already have rules for a verdict and the facts already a certain building followed, everyone was very enthusiastic about it. Well, that would also be one or the other degree thesis on the 2nd Exam easier if there were no rules for the sentencing structure.

Monday, March 22, 2010

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students, the same everywhere ...

chance I got, a music business course at a New York College to attend. This lecture was the last before the midterm exams. So was the student briefly explains what they need to prepare around because it is not intended to give all the bad marks.

This knowledge Summary expired in great detail, so that all co-wrote diligently: What is the difference between the publisher and label what Mechanicals what is meant by master, etc. For people that want to work in the music industry, are the absolute basics, comparable with the question: "Where in the Civil Code the contract is settled?" Still came in to me sitting around people panic. One even asked, "When is it the test?" and reacted shocked when he heard that this was the last lecture before the exam. Therefore one must say: Everyone has got a timetable, the date on which what is taught and when tests are. Sooo was surprisingly not.

The scoop was then the following: In the lectures was also the book "Hit Men" by Fredric Dannen (currently in Germany probably available only in English ) are discussed. In the early knowledge to work one day in the music industry, I've already devoured this book to school hours almost. It is my humble opinion one of the best and most exciting books of all time and contains incredibly interesting Information for any music junkie. It is not difficult to read this book. This is not " Civil Law " by Medicus, but a collection of anecdotes, which reports on the Payola scandal and about the experiences of the different labels and the big companies like Clive Davis or Tommy Mottola . An absolutely entertaining book, which shows that the stereotypes of the industry were not clichés. This book is a must read in any case for the test, it said. Then a student came forward and asked, "Do we have read the entire book or only a part"
the answer, it would already be the whole book, then went again a murmur through the crowd.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Christenning Messages

Motherfucking Litigator

Some guests in my election station in NYC by the owner through the rooms. I initially thought that this was simply part of the hospitality and also the opportunity for the executive to introduce his team. But there'sa lot more behind, namely the opportunity to run for the team, "social networking".

And so my boss recently led an attorney through the rooms. And I was presented separately as a lawyer with the note that I am from Germany, which the clerkship, etc. So I spoke briefly with the then attorney, with the start of the clerkship was quite something, because he also has employed a trainee. They moved towards the conference room. In this, the lawyer was already set and the head and went back out to me for me to point out that this law is one of the best entertainment lawyers in the world, including [...] represents. I found the lawyer already nice, but now also increased my respect. The boss talked himself into a rage, but just to make it clear to me how awesome that lawyer really is. He concluded by saying "He's a motherfucking litigator." That I can not well understood correctly, but my demand, he repeated: "He's a motherfucking litigator. "Obviously," mother fucking "colloquially as much as" mean ass horny ".

asked and so I did briefly again after the name of the lawyer. Said Then my boss that I'd better get just a business card of the lawyer. I looked at him wondering if I should do that and he really encouraged me with a grin: " Go, get your business card. "So I did this while I am in the conference room with the said motherfucking litigator ," came my trainers (trainers and head are two people) just over, then disappeared, but again with a short buzz, he had to make sure only want the two of us do know each other. It was only when I use the conference room left, turned the head back into it, as he just want to look just a little, etc. I was incredibly nice!

was later explained to me that I should write to the lawyer then a brief "follow up" email, how much I enjoyed the meeting and hope in him of the time here in NYC to run again on the road. I did this because as far as I was here before the practices still common . And even now I received a return email.

Finally a short note, which song I found in today's music selection in the office at the coolest: "So Much Trouble In The World" by Bob Marley . This instrument, which is alternating at about 0:58 with the singing, great.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Is There An Increase In Cm Before Period

the first meeting, then the party

Today was the After-Party, which announced the CEO already on my first day . About two hours earlier was still a meeting. First, I have

me think anything of it. The individual teams are doing here permanently any meetings in which she briefly close. This meeting was a special one because it covered all employees. I was a bit confused when I was so taken by one second added to the other, only to discover that this kind of meetings as every few weeks is carried out.

The content of the meeting I was then blown away completely. The CEO was using of "Power Point a lecture on what was achieved last year, economically, and where we are now late in the first quarter of this year. He praised the entire team to the skies and said it again now everything looks totally rosy. He said as follows: ".. It is not my company, it is our firm do you do all have a great job " Such motivation may be common here in the U.S., but I was particularly fascinated by the fact that in the power point presenting the bare facts were disclosed. While it was expressly advised of the confidentiality, but at least they were disclosed. I do not know if this would work in Germany because there would probably think most workers: "And why do I deserve no longer ?" etc. Here it works perfectly obvious.

The party was also great because it was not reserved for employees. I got to say for example the incredibly nice woman know my trainer. In addition, all sorts of names were represented in the music business, that I was able to get in touch. No international stars, but economically important people or friends joined the team. So I talked to an older U.S. publisher, who is funny as a descendant from Reinhard Keiser , whereupon he pointed proud when I told him my German heritage said, or a musician pair, which will release next month an album and play a gig in NYC.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How To Get Friends On Poptropica

window cleaning Act

For people who collect odd laws, I now offer a treat from my station in NYC . Because today I have something "off topic" checked a lease. The leases are obvious here even longer than our German. Since anything is considered, for example, what happened with the tenants if the landlord is expropriated. The rules also charged in lawsuits that the unsuccessful party, what with us is so no regulatory .

Anyway, I'm in this context Clause in the lease stumbled in which the tenant is specifically stated that it is prohibited by § 202 of the New York Labor Law " for buildings over a certain level, clean the windows from outside. The Americans do not hold so much that people tumble washing windows in the skyscrapers. (More than 5,000 buildings in Manhattan have more than 15 floors.) Why should the only people who know about it. First, we will protect the people who would like to clean windows, on the other, by walking in the population.