window cleaning Act
For people who collect odd laws, I now offer a treat from my station in NYC . Because today I have something "off topic" checked a lease. The leases are obvious here even longer than our German. Since anything is considered, for example, what happened with the tenants if the landlord is expropriated. The rules also charged in lawsuits that the unsuccessful party, what with us is so no regulatory .
Anyway, I'm in this context Clause in the lease stumbled in which the tenant is specifically stated that it is prohibited by § 202 of the New York Labor Law " for buildings over a certain level, clean the windows from outside. The Americans do not hold so much that people tumble washing windows in the skyscrapers. (More than 5,000 buildings in Manhattan have more than 15 floors.) Why should the only people who know about it. First, we will protect the people who would like to clean windows, on the other, by walking in the population.
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