gravitational vs. Pressure theory, or the breath of God ....
Top: Schematic representation of the pressure-gravity
Gravity is created by two masses attract each other. This Isaac Newton had knowledge at the moment, as he in his native orchard an apple fell on his head. (The story does not quite, but it spread Newton, undaunted, because it sounded so pretty). No matter, Newton's theorem was in any case set in stone, and all students in the world he learned as incontrovertible truth. Now, however, a theory is strength, which puts everything on its head. And by the way also clarifies issues that have hitherto kept modest. "Pushing Gravity" (in German as: pressure-gravity) is the name of the theory - and title of a book published recently in Canada in which these ideas were brought mathematically and conceptually up to date.
I personally think the pressure of gravity well, but this does not mean that this theory is not free of contradictions. For the first time was the Geneva physicist and mathematician Nicolas Fatio de Duillier and his colleague Georges Louis Le Sage on something that the two would present a particular idea has led, moreover, these two scientists contemporaries and friends of Isaac Newton in vain tried to Newton from your point of view convincing. Le Sage watched one day a coach namely the "pulled" by a horse was, it struck him that the horse actually moving the carriage by pressing the dishes, the applied force was only through the dishes on the coach in a tensile converted to the energy source, however, which moved the carriage was a compressive force and no traction. What would be the consequences of this theory then? The gravity would be converted into a pressure gravity, the whole thing is simple: Two bodies attract each other does not, instead they are pressed to each other, by invisible particles that are randomly anywhere in the universe exists and so tiny we could be discovered them. This theory presented Le Sarge En Duillier, of course, underpinned mathematically, in 1756 an ambitious unwilling public. This public was also equally huge problems with Newton's gravitational theory. Are there any mysterious "gravitons" the come from the masses and induce the body mass would attract? Newton was able to provide an answer and to date there is no evidence, let alone defined particles that could serve as a source of attraction! To make it Let's be clear: Newton provided the formulas (the perfectly correct vessel), but no explanation (the content)! The same theoretical gravitons could therefore act as good (even likely) vice versa (gravitational pressure). The same will now also apply to the statement by the gravity of Richard Feynman, who is undoubtedly one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century. He describes the gravitons anywhere in the room "floating around". The entire universe is filled with gravitons, and the "white space" within the atoms. These gravitons are the main mass of all particles in the universe and might even be the same as the dark matter that is so desperately sought by science. Said Gravitone are interactions with the so-called bosons, these are purely theoretical particles together originally for Gravitational and / or gravitational pressure responsible. Gravitone be absorbed by mass of bodies when they collide with atomic nuclei of these. Let us imagine such a space filled with gravitons and place where two bodies to each other at a certain distance. Now, says Feynman, the body absorb these particles. Between the two bodies are particles less than around about her, even as they cover a common area between them and record the said particles in them (the distance may of course not all be too big). This creates a kind Teilchenunterdruck between the bodies (Teilchenschatten - similar to light shade) and the bodies move toward each other to the different ratio of the particles in the gap in balance. From the outside, then pour into other particles, which are then absorbed, which means that the body mass would inevitably grow with time, this in turn supports the theory of the expanding earth. Thus would be a great Problem of Geoscientists solved, namely, the constant tear the earth's crust over billions of years, which would only be explained by growth of the world. If these "facts" with calculated or rather into it counted, so the different continents in the supercontinent Pangaea erdfrühzeitlichen would be better not to say, perfect match. The unexplained, would by definition belong weggerechneten (scientific Taschenspielertrik) planetary orbits in our solar system of the past. The almost desperate astronomers had thus finally have a physical basis sufficiently clarified in the research our solar system and would not have to look for an additional planet or computational tricks to work around the differences of the planetary orbits to explain. The seemingly paradoxical idea of train = pressure will be clearer if we imagine that we come up: Apparently, a force pulls us up. But of course that is wrong. There is no force pulling, but a force that presses: The pressure above is lower than the pressure below the pressure difference is an upward force. It is about the "pressure balancing" between the mass of bodies and no one knows anything better than a scuba diver like me! Ergo, the pressure theory, the most ideal solution would be a most fundamental Geosciences and astronomical problems. Unfortunately, our pressure theory a crucial catch, would be the room filled with particles, so should the body moving in space with time due to friction and resistance of said Gravitone, reduce your flying speed, what they do in reality, not just or not measurable, ! The inevitable consequence would be an overthrow of the planet into the sun when their time would come. In the past the room with the thought experiment of the ether has been completed, which is bogged down but in a variety of special ether theories and that does not prevail in science could. Wins With our present knowledge of the so called ether but rebounds as the 18th century, much was simply not known what is now simply a scientific standard! It is still the stubborn opposition of the deceleration of mass in space, speaks against the pressure of gravity. For a really ambitious attempt, however, resolve this contradiction, or even to integrate it as fact in the structure, this idea would solve many scientific problems in any case once and for all and much of the science would then be re-written, that's for sure. The disorder of the universe is increasing, in my opinion not up to your destruction, claimed that science today, but is in the deep reaches of space by cosmic the interaction processes between massless particle oceans from gravitons, bosons, photons and neutrinos and their interactions with the mass-prone Grundteilchen in a divine balance held. The matter is without the vast space is not viable and, conversely, the vast space is no matter it contains no sense. But perhaps grow it is also "only" the breath of God of things to move, expand and tighten and can, without offering any resistance.
generations of scientists will hope this task for the good of all .... it can give even so much remains to be done, do not worry!
Thoughtful Greetings
your Micha
The secret of gravity - PM - Gravitation - Matrix and ether
ether in science
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Mean Bra Sizes By Country
landlord allowed to sleep
Since coming months, the rental requests from and and with reference to the landlord:
"Answer this lease request within 3 hours, this increases the likelihood of posting substantial. "
If the Bueroleute of etc aware that we do sleep sometimes landlord? That we also have a private life?
Ausserddem, most of these questions above sites for 1 - 3 days over New Year! Which I do not answer at all. The tip of impudence and stupidity was a request just for 1 night, and 31.12. to 1.1.
I will not go to bed at night, to respond within 3 hours.
Send principle all rental inquiries answered a demand. With disgust I always find that I then ask the potential tenant, which was for my object. You, the lessee would have had, made so many requests that they have lost the overview.
While we to respond within 3 hours (how it works with requests that arrive here in Europe at night from Australia or U.S.?) Is not reached during the day.
How sad. expect everything from others and himself a 35-hour week.
Since coming months, the rental requests from and and with reference to the landlord:
"Answer this lease request within 3 hours, this increases the likelihood of posting substantial. "
If the Bueroleute of etc aware that we do sleep sometimes landlord? That we also have a private life?
Ausserddem, most of these questions above sites for 1 - 3 days over New Year! Which I do not answer at all. The tip of impudence and stupidity was a request just for 1 night, and 31.12. to 1.1.
I will not go to bed at night, to respond within 3 hours.
Send principle all rental inquiries answered a demand. With disgust I always find that I then ask the potential tenant, which was for my object. You, the lessee would have had, made so many requests that they have lost the overview.
While we to respond within 3 hours (how it works with requests that arrive here in Europe at night from Australia or U.S.?) Is not reached during the day.
How sad. expect everything from others and himself a 35-hour week.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Valium Is Not As Bad As Said
Church Financing: Clear words of the country Auditors SH
was to contribute to the current debate on church financing paragraph 3.2.2 of the report of the National Court result Schleswig-Holstein on 16 February 2010 (LT-Drucks. 16/994) have executed.
where it states:
was to contribute to the current debate on church financing paragraph 3.2.2 of the report of the National Court result Schleswig-Holstein on 16 February 2010 (LT-Drucks. 16/994) have executed.
where it states:
The country pays grants of more than 11 million € per year to churches and church organizations. Which 98% are in the North Elbe Church (NEC). Basis for the grants to NEK, the Schleswig-Holstein church Treaty (SHKV) of 1957. After SHKV the state services are dynamic: they evolve in parallel with the civil servants in the country. Granted, the funds for the church administration, Parish salary and supply, and the building maintenance, not for charitable and cultural achievements of the churches.
The SHKV contains no adjustment or termination clause. Differences of opinion between the parties are disposed of by friendly manner (Article 28 SHKV). This "friendship" clause acts as a guarantee of eternal value.
Since 1957, the SHKV not fundamentally changed conditions have been adjusted. These include the establishment of the NEC, the declining loyalty of the people in the churches and the dire financial situation of the country. Also state benefits to the churches to contribute to fiscal consolidation in the country. The LRH has therefore 2007 should fix the SHKV.
reminds the rest of the LRH to the existing obligation of the country since 1919 to replace the state benefits. This is meant to stop a payment obligation with compensation. The constitutional mandate to the federal government to adopt their principles, is also 60 years after entry into force of the Basic Law are not met.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Kates Playground Srtip
eye for an eye .... Update!
Or punitive tariffs and Gold vs. wrong. Rare earth
As we remember China was in October 2009, a delivery gold bars from the U.S.. I already reported about it in one of my articles from last month: "Uncle Ben's gold shit from the USA". Gold is the preferred means of payment, the balance of trade between China and the U.S. balance. In the analysis of gold turned out that the bars not made of gold, but were made of tungsten with a thin layer of gold. Now you should not play a false game with his best trading partners, especially not when you're depending on him, for something like this could take revenge at some point. In July 2010 the time had come, China was not part of the West appear to be chasing the top scorers Boxhorn and discount this year the worldwide export of "rare earth" by over 70%! We "Better Wessis" enrich us have long been in the bloody, self-operated by China, the exploitation of young Chinese worker, under the worst conditions his hard day's work has to perform. All because we want to produce products as cheaply as possible in China to sell off later with maximum profit at home! In the same breath condemn our politicians are human rights abuses and environmental destruction in China, which they themselves co-responsible for their irresponsible policies. The heavily indebted Western nations China and share with demands for currency appreciation pressure and blame they additionally our economy at risk. We destroy ourselves but our industry as we sell our own blast furnaces to China and shift all production to China. After we wonder then that the Chinese men our blast furnaces produce more steel than we are and all that at a much lower price. After this disastrous economic policies of our politicians and corporations will match even a lament about China's steel monopoly on ... something idiotic is hardly bearable! The same is true with the above-mentioned, little known but very important "rare earth"! These are inter alia, the elements scandium (atomic number 21), yttrium (39) and lanthanum (57) and the 14 following lanthanum elements, Lanthanides: Ce (58), praseodymium (59), neodymium (60) Promethium (61), samarium (62), europium (63), gadolinium (64), terbium (65), dysprosium (66), holmium (67), erbium (68) Thulium (69), ytterbium (70) and lutetium (71). China is the world's largest exporter of rare earths, which are used in high technology industries for the production of mobile phones, hard drives, electric vehicles, catalysts, flat panel displays and computers, as well as in laser technology or wind turbines. Even all the Western defense industries are dependent on these raw materials from China. 97 percent of the rare earth belongs to the world market now in China for the world community to maximize profits preferred to close their mines and lay off their workers, then the sought-after raw materials purchasing prices in China. Now seems to present this blatant misconduct his account ... the whole world is now dependent upon China, and therefore the Chinese dragon is now on the train and driven by raw material control as desired the Western economy. Do not forget any of our arrogant pretensions and frauds, including the false gold, unfair ratings, junk bonds and U.S. punitive tariffs not. How dependent are we all of those particular commodities in China shows the following ....
ZDF Report
The dependence of Germany as of rare earth is so large, the Federal Minister Rainer Brüderle (FDP) requires even a world commodity cartel against China! A reactivated the western mines for "rare earth" will take decades, however, so it is currently at an impasse and is the smile of the Middle Kingdom once delivered to verdeih and spoilage. This is with the Chinese food is good but not Cherry could feel the end of September as the Japanese on their own bodies. After the captain of a Chinese fishing boat rammed into Japanese territorial waters near the disputed Senkaku Islands, the Japanese Coast Guard and was arrested by the Japanese authorities point out that the Chinese authorities immediately issued an export ban on a number of metals to Japan. These metals belong to the group of rare earths and for Japan's high-tech industry tremendously important. No wonder the Chinese captain was released the next day. But this diplomatic insult is just the tip of the iceberg, China is about the reduction of the rare earths, a high technology monopoly gain too, as the West previously managed a revenue-producing monopoly shall be established, but two wrongs still not right, even if We are in this situation blame themselves. If we had while treated the Chinese in the past access this vengeance spared us with security. The way it is again: "An eye for an eye tooth for a tooth!" But if we have law and justice defend with everything we have, then
is much better in the world, because: "As man is in its completion, the noblest of all creatures, he is torn between law and justice, the worst of all." (Aristotle) In this sense ... Good night and sleep well.
your Micha
mirror - commodity cartel against China
TAZ - trade dispute over rare earth
Tagesspiegel - The Chinese oil
Heise online - trade war over rare earth
Or punitive tariffs and Gold vs. wrong. Rare earth
As we remember China was in October 2009, a delivery gold bars from the U.S.. I already reported about it in one of my articles from last month: "Uncle Ben's gold shit from the USA". Gold is the preferred means of payment, the balance of trade between China and the U.S. balance. In the analysis of gold turned out that the bars not made of gold, but were made of tungsten with a thin layer of gold. Now you should not play a false game with his best trading partners, especially not when you're depending on him, for something like this could take revenge at some point. In July 2010 the time had come, China was not part of the West appear to be chasing the top scorers Boxhorn and discount this year the worldwide export of "rare earth" by over 70%! We "Better Wessis" enrich us have long been in the bloody, self-operated by China, the exploitation of young Chinese worker, under the worst conditions his hard day's work has to perform. All because we want to produce products as cheaply as possible in China to sell off later with maximum profit at home! In the same breath condemn our politicians are human rights abuses and environmental destruction in China, which they themselves co-responsible for their irresponsible policies. The heavily indebted Western nations China and share with demands for currency appreciation pressure and blame they additionally our economy at risk. We destroy ourselves but our industry as we sell our own blast furnaces to China and shift all production to China. After we wonder then that the Chinese men our blast furnaces produce more steel than we are and all that at a much lower price. After this disastrous economic policies of our politicians and corporations will match even a lament about China's steel monopoly on ... something idiotic is hardly bearable! The same is true with the above-mentioned, little known but very important "rare earth"! These are inter alia, the elements scandium (atomic number 21), yttrium (39) and lanthanum (57) and the 14 following lanthanum elements, Lanthanides: Ce (58), praseodymium (59), neodymium (60) Promethium (61), samarium (62), europium (63), gadolinium (64), terbium (65), dysprosium (66), holmium (67), erbium (68) Thulium (69), ytterbium (70) and lutetium (71). China is the world's largest exporter of rare earths, which are used in high technology industries for the production of mobile phones, hard drives, electric vehicles, catalysts, flat panel displays and computers, as well as in laser technology or wind turbines. Even all the Western defense industries are dependent on these raw materials from China. 97 percent of the rare earth belongs to the world market now in China for the world community to maximize profits preferred to close their mines and lay off their workers, then the sought-after raw materials purchasing prices in China. Now seems to present this blatant misconduct his account ... the whole world is now dependent upon China, and therefore the Chinese dragon is now on the train and driven by raw material control as desired the Western economy. Do not forget any of our arrogant pretensions and frauds, including the false gold, unfair ratings, junk bonds and U.S. punitive tariffs not. How dependent are we all of those particular commodities in China shows the following ....
ZDF Report
The dependence of Germany as of rare earth is so large, the Federal Minister Rainer Brüderle (FDP) requires even a world commodity cartel against China! A reactivated the western mines for "rare earth" will take decades, however, so it is currently at an impasse and is the smile of the Middle Kingdom once delivered to verdeih and spoilage. This is with the Chinese food is good but not Cherry could feel the end of September as the Japanese on their own bodies. After the captain of a Chinese fishing boat rammed into Japanese territorial waters near the disputed Senkaku Islands, the Japanese Coast Guard and was arrested by the Japanese authorities point out that the Chinese authorities immediately issued an export ban on a number of metals to Japan. These metals belong to the group of rare earths and for Japan's high-tech industry tremendously important. No wonder the Chinese captain was released the next day. But this diplomatic insult is just the tip of the iceberg, China is about the reduction of the rare earths, a high technology monopoly gain too, as the West previously managed a revenue-producing monopoly shall be established, but two wrongs still not right, even if We are in this situation blame themselves. If we had while treated the Chinese in the past access this vengeance spared us with security. The way it is again: "An eye for an eye tooth for a tooth!" But if we have law and justice defend with everything we have, then
is much better in the world, because: "As man is in its completion, the noblest of all creatures, he is torn between law and justice, the worst of all." (Aristotle) In this sense ... Good night and sleep well.
your Micha
mirror - commodity cartel against China
TAZ - trade dispute over rare earth
Tagesspiegel - The Chinese oil
Heise online - trade war over rare earth
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Meaningful Birthday Wishe
climate change?
mentally If not quite fittest girls say climate warming is great, so that they can often put on her bikini, you'd think it was better to ignore them. Of course you can see (s) like a pretty woman in a bikini and these naive women are apparently even more honest and closer to the truth than many climate watchers. Has long been arguing that is the most climate scientists in the world about global warming, which the media is unfortunately mostly not reported, there is mainly the views propagated that our climate is getting warmer and we all are heading for a heat emergency. But the fact is that our planet is doing just the opposite, he is struggling. stagnated for over ten years global warming since 2006 despite rising CO2 and climate curve is even. This made me quite frankly a little surprised, especially as I was until about 2 years a faithful member of the climate pessimists to Al Gore. Since I'm always been a very curious person, I decided to tell me about information in late 2008 to be neutral on the subject and the more information I collected, and this made known, the more grim, serious and polemical seemed my "brethren" for a "heat death to 'argue the Earth. That made me suspicious! So what's wrong now? Are we all in the future in a warm ocean to drown or freeze to death? Since this is not something appears unimportant, I will address today, once this issue.
What is CO2?
First, let's clarify what CO2 is about! CO2 is primarily a food for plants and a fertilizer that is applied from the air. Rising CO2 levels since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (from 280 ppm to about 380 ppm today) provided, for example, in wheat a crop increase of 61 percent, vegetables by about 51 percent (Idso et al. 2003). It was also shown that plants are more resistant to rising CO2 rates of stress and need less water. Only then were able to now seven billion people will be fed at all. To poison CO2 can be when its share would rise to two percent in the atmosphere. (Current CO2 0.038 percent share), an increase of the over 50-fold would be necessary for this. It is by far not enough oil, coal or wood for such an increase exists. Ergo, the CO2 poison classification of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wrong and simply a lie!
opinions diagrams manipulation
course, the CO2 concentration has risen by humans, but has since also something to do with the alleged warming? Michael E. Mann is co-developer of the so-called hockey stick graph, which is the explicit connection between CO2 increase and to represent global warming. This chart is used as the basis of the global climate. It is thus the appearance of raised, as if the temperature would have made in recent decades has not since 1000 years before known giant leap upward, triggered by higher CO2 concentrations due to industrial development. The truth is, however, that it has always been climate changes in history, to prove (mostly dependent on the sun and Meeresstömungen) such as long-time charts and historical records! For example, the Vikings built in the Middle Ages to Greenland cereals. The translation of Greenland is nothing but pasture! Our current temperature is even the optimum in history and no dangerous exception! See long-term chart (mean age temperature and today) below:
funny is that the raw data required to skeptical scientists who's able to understand theory, had suddenly disappeared. Take that once before .... It is said the mathematical principles of "salvation for humanity" are gone ... ridiculous! To further the Unseriösität Erderwärmungsanhänger certainly contributed to the so-called air-gate scandal. Hackers cracked the e-mail accounts of the world's most leading climate scientists. The hacked and published E-mail from leading climate researchers at the CRU have massive irregularities: the "climate scientists" held back deliberately manipulated data, research publications and coiffed, studies that contradicted their theory to be proved. Mr. Hadley and Phil Jones, the director of the UK's Climate Research Unit has confirmed the hack attack now. "If it should confirm the authenticity of previously published material, and it is after reading several samples of no reasonable doubt, this should lead to some leading IPCC scientists, and they advocate the theories of anthropogenic global warming very uncomfortable be. . Also in Copenhagen is much at stake, "It is not just hackers and alternative researchers are not convinced of global warming and serious researchers to follow the general trend is not everything:
Current voices from science
Augusto Mangini is paleoclimatologist at the University of Heidelberg. Mangini is concerned with natural climate changes that have taken place in the history of our planet has always been. Although he is convinced that global warming was in the past 50 years caused by the greenhouse effect by man - but only to a small extent:
"In addition to anthrophogenen - ie the man-made -. global warming is the observed temperature increase is mainly composed of natural climate variability, "said Mangini his opinion, relates the IPCC of the United Nations (IPCC) that natural climate variation is not sufficient in its calculations of the temperature curve of the last 100 years. The IPCC is the most influential research body in the international climate policy and should really be interested in the latest climate data.
Hans von Storch, a climate researcher and meteorologist at the University of Hamburg, warns against dramatizing tendencies in climate research. Finally, he expressed sharp criticism of the authors of the Copenhagen-diagnosis - A study that predicts a temperature increase of up to seven degrees over the next 100 years. These researchers wanted first and foremost "the fears increase from climate change," said von Storch. "They want to impose a political agenda." In general would in climate research, "the science is often the servant of politics, or - worse yet - they even tried to make policy."
Just a few months, the British Hadley Centre for Climate Change new excitement with its latest calculations the average global temperature fanned: From 1999 to 2008, the world has warmed by only 0.07 degrees Celsius, therefore - and not those of 0.2 degrees Celsius in the still of the UN IPCC IPCC assumes. Calculate apparent one forget the two natural climate events El Niño and La Niña out, then only one temperature trend of 0.0 degrees Celsius, the British experts ascertaining numerical - that stop and now the temperatures drop even!
Even NASA has determined that the North Pole ice is back bigger and bigger. Blue thin ice - thick ice red. Nasa satellite photo evidence below:
So what's our Resume from all this contradictions. Outbursts of joy among the gardeners who ... could save from the morning of your heating costs greenhouses by something derived CO2 in their greenhouses?! Hardly! I'm no expert, but I have noticed personally that starry nights are still much colder than nights and covered that in my humble opinion, the heat dissipation of the planet seems to work with a little more CO2 works perfectly. Steam to a very large cloud-shaped play occur in connection with methane gas that is a much higher "greenhouse gas" role! But why do you recognize these natural and necessary "Cold Killer" of the earth not in and chopped off so much on the CO2 around, although this gas is a minor ore Role in global warming is playing? Is it just about the scourging of our lifestyle? Certainly one can say probably not, but it forces itself on a something. It is probably unique that scientists warn, together with politicians, political movements and companies with in the scientific data provided and forecasts together in front of a global catastrophe to force a reorientation of lifestyles, economics, technology and energy resources as quickly as possible should be - and that because of data not be clearly established, even manipulated, falsified and then "fine-sampled" were. One thing is for me anyway stated: "We make it faster to destroy us with economic chaos and wars, as the rise of ocean levels, even by one meter by melt water!" Do not get me wrong, I'm sure for a healthy and clean air catalysts and clean energy, but I'm not by political bigwigs, the "drinking wine and water preaching" even on this false scientific basis of a guilty conscience inoculate when I hear about my hard-earned money once a year to go on holiday or flying. I'm really sorry!
your Micha
ZDF - Is there a climate lie
All smoke and mirrors - North Pole ice does not melt
mirror - the weakening at the sun
Epoch Times - The climate lie
mentally If not quite fittest girls say climate warming is great, so that they can often put on her bikini, you'd think it was better to ignore them. Of course you can see (s) like a pretty woman in a bikini and these naive women are apparently even more honest and closer to the truth than many climate watchers. Has long been arguing that is the most climate scientists in the world about global warming, which the media is unfortunately mostly not reported, there is mainly the views propagated that our climate is getting warmer and we all are heading for a heat emergency. But the fact is that our planet is doing just the opposite, he is struggling. stagnated for over ten years global warming since 2006 despite rising CO2 and climate curve is even. This made me quite frankly a little surprised, especially as I was until about 2 years a faithful member of the climate pessimists to Al Gore. Since I'm always been a very curious person, I decided to tell me about information in late 2008 to be neutral on the subject and the more information I collected, and this made known, the more grim, serious and polemical seemed my "brethren" for a "heat death to 'argue the Earth. That made me suspicious! So what's wrong now? Are we all in the future in a warm ocean to drown or freeze to death? Since this is not something appears unimportant, I will address today, once this issue.
What is CO2?
First, let's clarify what CO2 is about! CO2 is primarily a food for plants and a fertilizer that is applied from the air. Rising CO2 levels since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (from 280 ppm to about 380 ppm today) provided, for example, in wheat a crop increase of 61 percent, vegetables by about 51 percent (Idso et al. 2003). It was also shown that plants are more resistant to rising CO2 rates of stress and need less water. Only then were able to now seven billion people will be fed at all. To poison CO2 can be when its share would rise to two percent in the atmosphere. (Current CO2 0.038 percent share), an increase of the over 50-fold would be necessary for this. It is by far not enough oil, coal or wood for such an increase exists. Ergo, the CO2 poison classification of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wrong and simply a lie!
opinions diagrams manipulation
course, the CO2 concentration has risen by humans, but has since also something to do with the alleged warming? Michael E. Mann is co-developer of the so-called hockey stick graph, which is the explicit connection between CO2 increase and to represent global warming. This chart is used as the basis of the global climate. It is thus the appearance of raised, as if the temperature would have made in recent decades has not since 1000 years before known giant leap upward, triggered by higher CO2 concentrations due to industrial development. The truth is, however, that it has always been climate changes in history, to prove (mostly dependent on the sun and Meeresstömungen) such as long-time charts and historical records! For example, the Vikings built in the Middle Ages to Greenland cereals. The translation of Greenland is nothing but pasture! Our current temperature is even the optimum in history and no dangerous exception! See long-term chart (mean age temperature and today) below:
funny is that the raw data required to skeptical scientists who's able to understand theory, had suddenly disappeared. Take that once before .... It is said the mathematical principles of "salvation for humanity" are gone ... ridiculous! To further the Unseriösität Erderwärmungsanhänger certainly contributed to the so-called air-gate scandal. Hackers cracked the e-mail accounts of the world's most leading climate scientists. The hacked and published E-mail from leading climate researchers at the CRU have massive irregularities: the "climate scientists" held back deliberately manipulated data, research publications and coiffed, studies that contradicted their theory to be proved. Mr. Hadley and Phil Jones, the director of the UK's Climate Research Unit has confirmed the hack attack now. "If it should confirm the authenticity of previously published material, and it is after reading several samples of no reasonable doubt, this should lead to some leading IPCC scientists, and they advocate the theories of anthropogenic global warming very uncomfortable be. . Also in Copenhagen is much at stake, "It is not just hackers and alternative researchers are not convinced of global warming and serious researchers to follow the general trend is not everything:
Current voices from science
Augusto Mangini is paleoclimatologist at the University of Heidelberg. Mangini is concerned with natural climate changes that have taken place in the history of our planet has always been. Although he is convinced that global warming was in the past 50 years caused by the greenhouse effect by man - but only to a small extent:
"In addition to anthrophogenen - ie the man-made -. global warming is the observed temperature increase is mainly composed of natural climate variability, "said Mangini his opinion, relates the IPCC of the United Nations (IPCC) that natural climate variation is not sufficient in its calculations of the temperature curve of the last 100 years. The IPCC is the most influential research body in the international climate policy and should really be interested in the latest climate data.
Hans von Storch, a climate researcher and meteorologist at the University of Hamburg, warns against dramatizing tendencies in climate research. Finally, he expressed sharp criticism of the authors of the Copenhagen-diagnosis - A study that predicts a temperature increase of up to seven degrees over the next 100 years. These researchers wanted first and foremost "the fears increase from climate change," said von Storch. "They want to impose a political agenda." In general would in climate research, "the science is often the servant of politics, or - worse yet - they even tried to make policy."
Just a few months, the British Hadley Centre for Climate Change new excitement with its latest calculations the average global temperature fanned: From 1999 to 2008, the world has warmed by only 0.07 degrees Celsius, therefore - and not those of 0.2 degrees Celsius in the still of the UN IPCC IPCC assumes. Calculate apparent one forget the two natural climate events El Niño and La Niña out, then only one temperature trend of 0.0 degrees Celsius, the British experts ascertaining numerical - that stop and now the temperatures drop even!
Even NASA has determined that the North Pole ice is back bigger and bigger. Blue thin ice - thick ice red. Nasa satellite photo evidence below:
So what's our Resume from all this contradictions. Outbursts of joy among the gardeners who ... could save from the morning of your heating costs greenhouses by something derived CO2 in their greenhouses?! Hardly! I'm no expert, but I have noticed personally that starry nights are still much colder than nights and covered that in my humble opinion, the heat dissipation of the planet seems to work with a little more CO2 works perfectly. Steam to a very large cloud-shaped play occur in connection with methane gas that is a much higher "greenhouse gas" role! But why do you recognize these natural and necessary "Cold Killer" of the earth not in and chopped off so much on the CO2 around, although this gas is a minor ore Role in global warming is playing? Is it just about the scourging of our lifestyle? Certainly one can say probably not, but it forces itself on a something. It is probably unique that scientists warn, together with politicians, political movements and companies with in the scientific data provided and forecasts together in front of a global catastrophe to force a reorientation of lifestyles, economics, technology and energy resources as quickly as possible should be - and that because of data not be clearly established, even manipulated, falsified and then "fine-sampled" were. One thing is for me anyway stated: "We make it faster to destroy us with economic chaos and wars, as the rise of ocean levels, even by one meter by melt water!" Do not get me wrong, I'm sure for a healthy and clean air catalysts and clean energy, but I'm not by political bigwigs, the "drinking wine and water preaching" even on this false scientific basis of a guilty conscience inoculate when I hear about my hard-earned money once a year to go on holiday or flying. I'm really sorry!
your Micha
ZDF - Is there a climate lie
All smoke and mirrors - North Pole ice does not melt
mirror - the weakening at the sun
Epoch Times - The climate lie
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Pse Xforce Or Mathews Dxt?
Who's afraid of the bogeyman?
The Tale of explosives hobbyist:
It is time again to match the U.S. congressional elections appearance of new threats from terrorist Pandora's Box. The parcel bomber from Yemen and the alleged letter bomber left from Greece, as well as parcel bombs in Dubai and the UK! The Achilles heel of the international community now seems to be the international air cargo, as discussed now flying worldwide explosive packages and letters through the area. Let's look at the "threat" times closer. Who is behind it and who benefits? Well, first there is the so-called parcel bomb Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, who is said to have tinkered with a "mortar", "dog shit" and "weed killer" the highly controversial military explosives PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate, PETN). Funny only that this explosive is used almost exclusively by the military, this was also non-explosive markert. For security reasons, namely the explosive mixed with a substance already in the production of explosives for him makes dogs more easily discoverable. Since the marker substance appears in this bomb was missing, which lays the presumption that this is close to PETN (better known as Semtex) is, which was made to order such and such things usually only get intelligence or special forces delivered! Here are the explosive classification of a German company that trains police and military explosives detection dogs:
Thus we see the PETN is anything but one, in a cave home-made fireworks! Let's look now at the official photo of the bomb. To my knowledge goes, the color spectrum of PETN Okker to red and the last "hobby bomb makers" would have the so-called explosives installed (in the photo below) is well decent! (Semtex info Wikipedia) currencies the explosive (if he for one is) was gemarkert, so the sniffer dogs would probably have been at such amateurish processing rows fainted when they smelled it. So here again contradict the official version and common sense. Here, you obviously just submitted something to the press what they have then swallowed uncritically! This photo may be so, because of the explosive color and type of processing, (PETN is like plasticine, a small child could form the fabric better) only be a fake!
We come now to the alleged Instigators of action. The mastermind and chief suspect behind it is Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen, allegedly Imam who leads the al-Qaeda in Yemen. He is said to have incited the suspected bomb makers Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri. I was ... then I wonder why Anwar al-Awlaki shortly after 9 / 11 several times invited to the Pentagon in order to lead with the highest U.S. generals and secret service official talks. Since then, he is under special protection of the CIA. These facts are documented by Fox News, also on an FBI document has been released! See: FBI original document Fox News Fox News also reported that al-Awlaki, a student at George Washington University and was also known as "Kaplan" worked. He wanted to do his doctorate there. The George Washington University is known for its close ties to the intelligence services, including recruitment and training. There also CIA-enforcement officers act as lecturers. In addition, the Washington Post reported before that the George Washington University includes the National Security Archive and is therefore extremely important and sensitive. In the Islamic context al-Awlaki is ore than shadowy figure who preaches the so-called CIA-Islam. All places that the presumption that it could be close to the instigator of the parcel bomb to a double agent!
Probable Agent al-Awlaki (photo below)
The motive:
Who would now benefit from just such an intelligence activity? Let us consider first the state of the United States. First, we have there an explosion of unemployment, dollar fall, tent cities, Slumps, an industrial by "outsourcing" destroyed (manufacturing) economy and a crumbling infrastructure, which by the escalating debt can no longer be maintained. Second, Obama has barely kept one of his campaign promises, many of his voters what he is now sick. The United States is de facto only held by your bloated oil, finance and defense sector together! All that Obama's problems are why the Democrats had to plug in the latest setback in the House of Representatives elections. So help is need, but how? U.S. banks have been thrown enough behind what is now regarded as very unpopular in the electorate, and the oil lobby is valid since the "accident" in the Gulf as posted for a long time and serves only as a hot topic. What remains is to build a new / old enemy, then it is to fight, one that not only the people but it also increases the orders of the defense industry. About the only thing the United States can build a world-class weapons, ergo a logical consequence. Under the "Stars and Stripes Banner Obama can now einschwören his people against this opponent, he battered the patriotic U.S. voters would follow and ensure his re-election 2012th Although this is only a theory, but which is supported by my above-mentioned chain of evidence and the opinions of many international think tanks and tactician. Even when the bomb packages from Greece, the background appears the same motivation for these acts to come. Government has become unpopular as Merkel, Sarkozy and Berlusconi would look for people in the victim certainly better than brutal thugs of the civil strife at home, while one has the uncomfortable range still left a really bad reputation missed! Virtually no? Also this is indeed just a theory, but always conclusive than that which we once again by the "quality media" should be told, that the nearly simultaneous, independent, continents and cross-community sending bomb programs of various extremist groups around the world. Who is still tying up this legend of the internationally suddenly everywhere at once emerging "black man" can be your fault! Do not forget ... "The" black man play "A always plays against all ... we are so much more
Spiegel Online - Awlaki, an Al Qaeda man in the Pentagon
all smoke and mirrors - bomber from Yemen CIA agent
YouTube - U.S. is considering an attack on Yemen
Info Warrior News - U.S. attack on Yemen and more lies
image - This is the package bomber
The Tale of explosives hobbyist:
It is time again to match the U.S. congressional elections appearance of new threats from terrorist Pandora's Box. The parcel bomber from Yemen and the alleged letter bomber left from Greece, as well as parcel bombs in Dubai and the UK! The Achilles heel of the international community now seems to be the international air cargo, as discussed now flying worldwide explosive packages and letters through the area. Let's look at the "threat" times closer. Who is behind it and who benefits? Well, first there is the so-called parcel bomb Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, who is said to have tinkered with a "mortar", "dog shit" and "weed killer" the highly controversial military explosives PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate, PETN). Funny only that this explosive is used almost exclusively by the military, this was also non-explosive markert. For security reasons, namely the explosive mixed with a substance already in the production of explosives for him makes dogs more easily discoverable. Since the marker substance appears in this bomb was missing, which lays the presumption that this is close to PETN (better known as Semtex) is, which was made to order such and such things usually only get intelligence or special forces delivered! Here are the explosive classification of a German company that trains police and military explosives detection dogs:
Thus we see the PETN is anything but one, in a cave home-made fireworks! Let's look now at the official photo of the bomb. To my knowledge goes, the color spectrum of PETN Okker to red and the last "hobby bomb makers" would have the so-called explosives installed (in the photo below) is well decent! (Semtex info Wikipedia) currencies the explosive (if he for one is) was gemarkert, so the sniffer dogs would probably have been at such amateurish processing rows fainted when they smelled it. So here again contradict the official version and common sense. Here, you obviously just submitted something to the press what they have then swallowed uncritically! This photo may be so, because of the explosive color and type of processing, (PETN is like plasticine, a small child could form the fabric better) only be a fake!
We come now to the alleged Instigators of action. The mastermind and chief suspect behind it is Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen, allegedly Imam who leads the al-Qaeda in Yemen. He is said to have incited the suspected bomb makers Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri. I was ... then I wonder why Anwar al-Awlaki shortly after 9 / 11 several times invited to the Pentagon in order to lead with the highest U.S. generals and secret service official talks. Since then, he is under special protection of the CIA. These facts are documented by Fox News, also on an FBI document has been released! See: FBI original document Fox News Fox News also reported that al-Awlaki, a student at George Washington University and was also known as "Kaplan" worked. He wanted to do his doctorate there. The George Washington University is known for its close ties to the intelligence services, including recruitment and training. There also CIA-enforcement officers act as lecturers. In addition, the Washington Post reported before that the George Washington University includes the National Security Archive and is therefore extremely important and sensitive. In the Islamic context al-Awlaki is ore than shadowy figure who preaches the so-called CIA-Islam. All places that the presumption that it could be close to the instigator of the parcel bomb to a double agent!
Probable Agent al-Awlaki (photo below)
The motive:
Who would now benefit from just such an intelligence activity? Let us consider first the state of the United States. First, we have there an explosion of unemployment, dollar fall, tent cities, Slumps, an industrial by "outsourcing" destroyed (manufacturing) economy and a crumbling infrastructure, which by the escalating debt can no longer be maintained. Second, Obama has barely kept one of his campaign promises, many of his voters what he is now sick. The United States is de facto only held by your bloated oil, finance and defense sector together! All that Obama's problems are why the Democrats had to plug in the latest setback in the House of Representatives elections. So help is need, but how? U.S. banks have been thrown enough behind what is now regarded as very unpopular in the electorate, and the oil lobby is valid since the "accident" in the Gulf as posted for a long time and serves only as a hot topic. What remains is to build a new / old enemy, then it is to fight, one that not only the people but it also increases the orders of the defense industry. About the only thing the United States can build a world-class weapons, ergo a logical consequence. Under the "Stars and Stripes Banner Obama can now einschwören his people against this opponent, he battered the patriotic U.S. voters would follow and ensure his re-election 2012th Although this is only a theory, but which is supported by my above-mentioned chain of evidence and the opinions of many international think tanks and tactician. Even when the bomb packages from Greece, the background appears the same motivation for these acts to come. Government has become unpopular as Merkel, Sarkozy and Berlusconi would look for people in the victim certainly better than brutal thugs of the civil strife at home, while one has the uncomfortable range still left a really bad reputation missed! Virtually no? Also this is indeed just a theory, but always conclusive than that which we once again by the "quality media" should be told, that the nearly simultaneous, independent, continents and cross-community sending bomb programs of various extremist groups around the world. Who is still tying up this legend of the internationally suddenly everywhere at once emerging "black man" can be your fault! Do not forget ... "The" black man play "A always plays against all ... we are so much more
Spiegel Online - Awlaki, an Al Qaeda man in the Pentagon
all smoke and mirrors - bomber from Yemen CIA agent
YouTube - U.S. is considering an attack on Yemen
Info Warrior News - U.S. attack on Yemen and more lies
image - This is the package bomber
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