Gravity is created by two masses attract each other. This Isaac Newton had knowledge at the moment, as he in his native orchard an apple fell on his head. (The story does not quite, but it spread Newton, undaunted, because it sounded so pretty). No matter, Newton's theorem was in any case set in stone, and all students in the world he learned as incontrovertible truth. Now, however, a theory is strength, which puts everything on its head. And by the way also clarifies issues that have hitherto kept modest. "Pushing Gravity" (in German as: pressure-gravity) is the name of the theory - and title of a book published recently in Canada in which these ideas were brought mathematically and conceptually up to date.
I personally think the pressure of gravity well, but this does not mean that this theory is not free of contradictions. For the first time was the Geneva physicist and mathematician Nicolas Fatio de Duillier and his colleague Georges Louis Le Sage on something that the two would present a particular idea has led, moreover, these two scientists contemporaries and friends of Isaac Newton in vain tried to Newton from your point of view convincing. Le Sage watched one day a coach namely the "pulled" by a horse was, it struck him that the horse actually moving the carriage by pressing the dishes, the applied force was only through the dishes on the coach in a tensile converted to the energy source, however, which moved the carriage was a compressive force and no traction. What would be the consequences of this theory then? The gravity would be converted into a pressure gravity, the whole thing is simple: Two bodies attract each other does not, instead they are pressed to each other, by invisible particles that are randomly anywhere in the universe exists and so tiny we could be discovered them. This theory presented Le Sarge En Duillier, of course, underpinned mathematically, in 1756 an ambitious unwilling public. This public was also equally huge problems with Newton's gravitational theory. Are there any mysterious "gravitons" the come from the masses and induce the body mass would attract? Newton was able to provide an answer and to date there is no evidence, let alone defined particles that could serve as a source of attraction! To make it Let's be clear: Newton provided the formulas (the perfectly correct vessel), but no explanation (the content)! The same theoretical gravitons could therefore act as good (even likely) vice versa (gravitational pressure). The same will now also apply to the statement by the gravity of Richard Feynman, who is undoubtedly one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century. He describes the gravitons anywhere in the room "floating around". The entire universe is filled with gravitons, and the "white space" within the atoms. These gravitons are the main mass of all particles in the universe and might even be the same as the dark matter that is so desperately sought by science. Said Gravitone are interactions with the so-called bosons, these are purely theoretical particles together originally for Gravitational and / or gravitational pressure responsible. Gravitone be absorbed by mass of bodies when they collide with atomic nuclei of these. Let us imagine such a space filled with gravitons and place where two bodies to each other at a certain distance. Now, says Feynman, the body absorb these particles. Between the two bodies are particles less than around about her, even as they cover a common area between them and record the said particles in them (the distance may of course not all be too big). This creates a kind Teilchenunterdruck between the bodies (Teilchenschatten - similar to light shade) and the bodies move toward each other to the different ratio of the particles in the gap in balance. From the outside, then pour into other particles, which are then absorbed, which means that the body mass would inevitably grow with time, this in turn supports the theory of the expanding earth. Thus would be a great Problem of Geoscientists solved, namely, the constant tear the earth's crust over billions of years, which would only be explained by growth of the world. If these "facts" with calculated or rather into it counted, so the different continents in the supercontinent Pangaea erdfrühzeitlichen would be better not to say, perfect match. The unexplained, would by definition belong weggerechneten (scientific Taschenspielertrik) planetary orbits in our solar system of the past. The almost desperate astronomers had thus finally have a physical basis sufficiently clarified in the research our solar system and would not have to look for an additional planet or computational tricks to work around the differences of the planetary orbits to explain. The seemingly paradoxical idea of train = pressure will be clearer if we imagine that we come up: Apparently, a force pulls us up. But of course that is wrong. There is no force pulling, but a force that presses: The pressure above is lower than the pressure below the pressure difference is an upward force. It is about the "pressure balancing" between the mass of bodies and no one knows anything better than a scuba diver like me! Ergo, the pressure theory, the most ideal solution would be a most fundamental Geosciences and astronomical problems. Unfortunately, our pressure theory a crucial catch, would be the room filled with particles, so should the body moving in space with time due to friction and resistance of said Gravitone, reduce your flying speed, what they do in reality, not just or not measurable, ! The inevitable consequence would be an overthrow of the planet into the sun when their time would come. In the past the room with the thought experiment of the ether has been completed, which is bogged down but in a variety of special ether theories and that does not prevail in science could. Wins With our present knowledge of the so called ether but rebounds as the 18th century, much was simply not known what is now simply a scientific standard! It is still the stubborn opposition of the deceleration of mass in space, speaks against the pressure of gravity. For a really ambitious attempt, however, resolve this contradiction, or even to integrate it as fact in the structure, this idea would solve many scientific problems in any case once and for all and much of the science would then be re-written, that's for sure. The disorder of the universe is increasing, in my opinion not up to your destruction, claimed that science today, but is in the deep reaches of space by cosmic the interaction processes between massless particle oceans from gravitons, bosons, photons and neutrinos and their interactions with the mass-prone Grundteilchen in a divine balance held. The matter is without the vast space is not viable and, conversely, the vast space is no matter it contains no sense. But perhaps grow it is also "only" the breath of God of things to move, expand and tighten and can, without offering any resistance.
generations of scientists will hope this task for the good of all .... it can give even so much remains to be done, do not worry!
Thoughtful Greetings
your Micha
The secret of gravity - PM
Wissenschaft.de - Gravitation
Mahag.com - Matrix and ether
ether in science
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