The Tale of explosives hobbyist:
It is time again to match the U.S. congressional elections appearance of new threats from terrorist Pandora's Box. The parcel bomber from Yemen and the alleged letter bomber left from Greece, as well as parcel bombs in Dubai and the UK! The Achilles heel of the international community now seems to be the international air cargo, as discussed now flying worldwide explosive packages and letters through the area. Let's look at the "threat" times closer. Who is behind it and who benefits? Well, first there is the so-called parcel bomb Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, who is said to have tinkered with a "mortar", "dog shit" and "weed killer" the highly controversial military explosives PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate, PETN). Funny only that this explosive is used almost exclusively by the military, this was also non-explosive markert. For security reasons, namely the explosive mixed with a substance already in the production of explosives for him makes dogs more easily discoverable. Since the marker substance appears in this bomb was missing, which lays the presumption that this is close to PETN (better known as Semtex) is, which was made to order such and such things usually only get intelligence or special forces delivered! Here are the explosive classification of a German company that trains police and military explosives detection dogs:
Thus we see the PETN is anything but one, in a cave home-made fireworks! Let's look now at the official photo of the bomb. To my knowledge goes, the color spectrum of PETN Okker to red and the last "hobby bomb makers" would have the so-called explosives installed (in the photo below) is well decent! (Semtex info Wikipedia) currencies the explosive (if he for one is) was gemarkert, so the sniffer dogs would probably have been at such amateurish processing rows fainted when they smelled it. So here again contradict the official version and common sense. Here, you obviously just submitted something to the press what they have then swallowed uncritically! This photo may be so, because of the explosive color and type of processing, (PETN is like plasticine, a small child could form the fabric better) only be a fake!
We come now to the alleged Instigators of action. The mastermind and chief suspect behind it is Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen, allegedly Imam who leads the al-Qaeda in Yemen. He is said to have incited the suspected bomb makers Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri. I was ... then I wonder why Anwar al-Awlaki shortly after 9 / 11 several times invited to the Pentagon in order to lead with the highest U.S. generals and secret service official talks. Since then, he is under special protection of the CIA. These facts are documented by Fox News, also on an FBI document has been released! See: FBI original document Fox News Fox News also reported that al-Awlaki, a student at George Washington University and was also known as "Kaplan" worked. He wanted to do his doctorate there. The George Washington University is known for its close ties to the intelligence services, including recruitment and training. There also CIA-enforcement officers act as lecturers. In addition, the Washington Post reported before that the George Washington University includes the National Security Archive and is therefore extremely important and sensitive. In the Islamic context al-Awlaki is ore than shadowy figure who preaches the so-called CIA-Islam. All places that the presumption that it could be close to the instigator of the parcel bomb to a double agent!
Probable Agent al-Awlaki (photo below)
The motive:
Who would now benefit from just such an intelligence activity? Let us consider first the state of the United States. First, we have there an explosion of unemployment, dollar fall, tent cities, Slumps, an industrial by "outsourcing" destroyed (manufacturing) economy and a crumbling infrastructure, which by the escalating debt can no longer be maintained. Second, Obama has barely kept one of his campaign promises, many of his voters what he is now sick. The United States is de facto only held by your bloated oil, finance and defense sector together! All that Obama's problems are why the Democrats had to plug in the latest setback in the House of Representatives elections. So help is need, but how? U.S. banks have been thrown enough behind what is now regarded as very unpopular in the electorate, and the oil lobby is valid since the "accident" in the Gulf as posted for a long time and serves only as a hot topic. What remains is to build a new / old enemy, then it is to fight, one that not only the people but it also increases the orders of the defense industry. About the only thing the United States can build a world-class weapons, ergo a logical consequence. Under the "Stars and Stripes Banner Obama can now einschwören his people against this opponent, he battered the patriotic U.S. voters would follow and ensure his re-election 2012th Although this is only a theory, but which is supported by my above-mentioned chain of evidence and the opinions of many international think tanks and tactician. Even when the bomb packages from Greece, the background appears the same motivation for these acts to come. Government has become unpopular as Merkel, Sarkozy and Berlusconi would look for people in the victim certainly better than brutal thugs of the civil strife at home, while one has the uncomfortable range still left a really bad reputation missed! Virtually no? Also this is indeed just a theory, but always conclusive than that which we once again by the "quality media" should be told, that the nearly simultaneous, independent, continents and cross-community sending bomb programs of various extremist groups around the world. Who is still tying up this legend of the internationally suddenly everywhere at once emerging "black man" can be your fault! Do not forget ... "The" black man play "A always plays against all ... we are so much more
Spiegel Online - Awlaki, an Al Qaeda man in the Pentagon
all smoke and mirrors - bomber from Yemen CIA agent
YouTube - U.S. is considering an attack on Yemen
Info Warrior News - U.S. attack on Yemen and more lies
image - This is the package bomber
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