Germany, insists Chancellor Merkel, will emerge stronger from the crisis. The crisis offers an opportunity to push through necessary reforms. Reforms such as further liberalization of the financial and service economy? Which projects should be in addition to the immediate crisis management on the agenda of the Chancellor? Among her favorites, which in any case, the development of the German service sector, is now at about the 70% of employment and value added accounted Germany. For example, in 1970, were approximately 45% of the 26.6 million employed persons in West Germany in the service sector, it was 36 years later in Germany, more than 72%. In the same period the share of employed persons in industry dropped by 21 percentage points from 46.5% to 25.5%. Source: Federal Statistical Office
, imagine ... the industrial and manufacturing country of Germany has become a service economy. How was something done? How was the development and production of real goods and hence real values slowly converted and exchanged into a tie bearing Pencil pushers infrastructure produced little more than sham values? People who want to sell something that one has been produced in other countries, people sell virtual products that nobody needs, people create nothing! I will try to shed light on something. The Federal Ministry for Research and Education as bluntly outsourcing production of the German economy and its reasons:
"Currently, industrial production is exposed to fundamental changes. By the close - usually referred to as globalization - the linking of global economic goods, information and capital flows, the production of goods is easier than even a few Years to organize distributed worldwide. The information and communication technology facilitates control and coordination of distributed production. New, aggressive competitors offer production at far lower costs than Germany. The manufacture of products is therefore an enormously increased pricing pressure. " source. Federal Ministry for Research and Education
Even the Federation of German Industries (BDI) detects anti-industrial trends
" Energy companies trade with their oligopolistic market power up prices. Free competition no longer takes place, "said Marnette, Norddeutsche Affinerie also chief and chairman BDI Energy Committee, the Financial Times Germany ". "The competition is blocked by high network charges. The price of electricity goes up and up," said Marnette. "This is a contribution to the de-industrialization of Germany ." Source: BDI
So we hold ... high energy prices and global competition, which was all of us praised as salvation and prosperity charm, is driving our industry resources and the jobs associated with the abroad, where workers for low wages or even work a handful of rice! How can such a thing looks like in the final stage to "admire" in the United States. After your well-paid industrial jobs eliminated almost final and were converted to low-wage jobs in the service sector, unfortunately, many homeowners could no longer pay your Rates's own home, with the all too familiar consequences, which then triggered the financial Kriese. Many of these people are found today in tent cities springing up all over the country like mushrooms! With us is developing along the same path. Why not ask Mr Schäuble, why when it reaches the great jobs boom yet so little in the coffers of the social and pension insurance. Ask him where to land but once the exorbitant increases in profits of big shots by the wage restraint of the workers ... not determined in the money circuit! The answer for the empty social budget, at least I can give you: It is called low-wage! Those who earn little can of course pay less taxes and social contributions, which permit the state even more restrictive and further fuels the spiral of debt. This in turn can increase the total money supply, since new loans must fulfill her duties to the State. The private citizen also needs more credit to his standard of living and thereby maintain stable domestic demand to be able to. Loans as a substitute for decent and fair wage and proper taxes ... a nerve! As the wage is like in Germany shows the following graphic of the ZDF, there you can see how the prosperity of the German workers foreign flows into the EU:
Germany is on the bottom in wages and the EU can not even keep up with 21% wage increase since 2000 with the inflation rate. What does that mean in plain English "! Real little purchasing power", the tabloid refers to a relatively mild inflation of 20% since the euro's launch, (Picture - € worth only 80 cents) in reality it is much higher and much more above! Why? Because a significant increase in inflation in more competitive Germany is the internal logic of monetary union equivalent. Because the euro-land, as it is built fall apart, would if in Germany there is still strict price stability. In so far hardly anyone speaks. Understandably. Inflation is too unpopular, especially in Germany. At least that is the expert opinion in Manager Magazin and the Focus. Economists Thomas Straubhaar of the Hamburg World Economic Institute said in an interview with the world: "He expects a strong devaluation in the near future. For the period after 2010, he expects inflation of between five and ten percent PER YEAR. Already this year, would attract the energy prices back strong, he predicted. This would completely reverse the current trend. "Well, cheers for dinner! But we know the drill know .... purely a few cheap and computer giant staring into the basket and some basic food and energy from the calculation basis is already out and statistically everything back to normal.
And as if the whole thing were not enough, is yet another piece of bad news on the German labor market. From the first of May 2011 is the new EU workers liberalism in Germany, which means nothing else but that Eastern European collective agreements are applicable in Germany. Already, data show a very clear revolving door from the German agency scene. Like the ARD magazine report says the large agency companies hundreds of thousands of temporary workers plan by German Polish to replace workers, because the collective agreements in Poland from 1.80 to about € 5, - € per hour range, which would clearly be discussed at a German minimum wage! Part of the German labor market will be simply taken over and badly needed purchasing power walking with the Polish workers again, as they are not here with the money could be living, but see for yourself:
The Polish Employers Chamber has contacts with almost 500 German temporary employment agencies established. The protective provisions in the Temporary Employment Act, namely from 1 May 2011 not when there is a collective agreement. ... No matter what EU country! These changes go back to the era of Gerhard Schröder, and that on 1 May be done in irony hardly be surpassed. Not only economically this scheme, the potential for resentment between the two countries has to make, but could also among the populations of both countries that suffer long years of accumulated good relations between Poles and Germans under the workers' tsunami from Poland ... but this discord appears to condone government circles in purchase to be made, there you see that is no reason to act. All in all, we are witnessing a gradual de-industrialization of Germany after the American model. Our very prosperity is on the EU Altar of many other ways EU divided Member States, to which we all know that Germany will gradually dissolve into thin air. If we do not get up the "replacement" for "unity, justice and freedom" will remain an undemocratic and centralist, faceless EU will be a superstate, taking care of law and a shit.
Update: The Union Transfer - Another bloodletting in Germany in preparation!
After the break defacto set of grunge and the EU Constitution (no funding for bankrupt EU member states - no bailout clause) is behind the € 750 billion parachute now quietly closed Doors in an open EU unlimited transfer union converted. ECB chief Trichet was therefore at the end of the last year of secret negotiations with the Chancellor in Berlin. In an interview, a visibly nervous EU says close to economist and author Anton Maier why a bird € transfer union was inevitable on Germany's costs for the European idea. When you watch this interview I really cracked the ass and I can only guess look at each Democrat upright before a Valium to smash! Even if he says it is not sooo directly, but he says: "... people will shit on it?" Such ignorance coupled with the far-fetched arguments are expected: "60 years of peace and freedom for , the EU "Please what ?!?!? With such empty phrases only shake his head but the fact is:. We had a lot of pressure because of EU subsidies emphasize our own industries, only to later re-EU diktat towards other EU countries to subsidize. that water is thicker than blood and the sky is green if the EU says that, thanks also! But everyone gets what he deserves ... stop that we the bureaucrats and fat cats and after a kick in the A. ...
Kind regards
your Micha
online world - inflation to 10 percent
Manager magazine - the money lie
Federal Ministry of Research and Education - A New Challenge in production
Federal Statistical Office - Structural change
mirror - De-industrialization of Germany
ARD Report - Low-wage Made in Germany
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