The summer lilac or butterfly, Latin Buddleja is incredibly popular. No wonder! It is suitable especially for small gardens and courtyards is growing, but also excellent in containers on patios or balconies. It blooms and blooms in all shades of pink and purple and is also available in white for the purists, he is unassuming and growing. Who has such a specimen, however, must look not only on the masses of butterflies on flowering time comes around but not drum to cut him in February.
I always large had respect for the pruning of trees and shrubs of all kinds. Last year, this has changed: from my butterfly bush. The fact had to be cut back, so I went with fear, trembling, to shorten it in.
find instructions on the Internet for many, particularly encouraging, however, was the video of the incomparable Dieke van Dieken. After this video, actually no more questions remain open. So - ran to the garden shears. should cut
When you are sure that the branches really cut, not crushed. Außderdem the branches should be cut slightly obliquely, the interface should always be positioned so that the rain runs it and it does not fully meet. This is important to the little wounds that we cause the cutback to protect against bacteria, disease and decay. Some gardeners protect the interfaces first with small pot, they keep them dry. You should be careful with this technique, however, that the new shoots is not disturbed.
is done the cut, looks really sad in the first Bush. This is but a few months later when it has reached its natural height 4 meters, quickly forgotten. And guarantees the Buddleia is diligently blooming in the back section ! Respond
The branches from the pruning I cut myself get lost again, and keep them. Gardeners always need branches in all sizes, for everything. To support the Larkspur flowers for growing nasturtium, as a trellis for my beans, or as a support for the peas.
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