Sunday, January 30, 2011

Silverside Rare Cooking Times

blackmailed + compelled to

Vorsicht als Vermieter von Ferienwohnungen vor allen Sites, die dazu einladen, Ihre Ferienwohnung und Sie zu bewerten. Hier eine weitere aktuelle Erfahrung eines Vermieters von Ferienwohnungen:

" After a fair amount of haggling, which in our naivety we thought was normal, a man eventualy booked a week for his wife and two small children. He booked directly via our own website and he duly sent his deposit and completed booking form which also requires a signed copy of all our t&cs. These clearly state that our property sleeps a maximum of 4 plus a travel cot.

His deposit became well overdue and we dropped him an email reminder. He called us to say he would be posting off the balance next week (making it a month late) and "by the way, our two nephews are in town and they will also be staying, but no worries as they'll double up in the beds or on the couch so leave us extra duvets and towels".

When we objected to this and pointed out our t&cs plus insurers terms he became so obnoxious and threatening with foul language that we canceled the booking on the advice of our solicitor and sent him his money back minus our out of pocket expenses incurred.

This man then proceded to post false and potentialy very damaging remarks on every review site he found on the internet including trip advisor, saying how terribly he'd been treated, yet never once mentioning his over-occupancy plans and total disregard for our t&cs.

It took many weeks of writing to these sites stating the true facts to eventualy have them agree to remove his lies. We even had to have our solicitor contact trip advisor before they would budge! Happily, horror stories like that are very rare and we have since been blessed with very satisfied guests who have filled our guest books with nothing but praise for the high standard of the property and it's fixtures, fittings and location along with our service to them before and during their stay. But it did make us feel very vunerable and pretty much helpless at that time.

I must also say that these review sites do make it very easy for a scenario like that to take place, seemingly without any mechanism for verifying the posters comments, good or bad.

It certainly was a very steep and fast learning curve for us! "

superiority thoroughly as owners of apartments if and where you pay a web advertisement! You see, the landlord pays here for its advertising and" feels vulnerable and rather helpless "against unfair ratings.

Are you in favor ? become property owners the "fair game" Are you willing to pay for expensive advertising on the Internet

Source:? # 187 364

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The features reviews of apartments

Some online listing sites allow guest reviews as part of the 'contract' you have with them as an advertiser. You cannot stop the review being posted, but you can post a ‘reply’ to the review, so that both are visible to potential guests. In some cases the guest need not have booked through this listing site – merely stayed at your property, however they found you.

Many owners – good owners, providing high quality accommodation and good service – don’t like this system and sometimes refuse to use the particular online listing sites that do this.

I agree. Free speech, the right to give ones honest opinion, and the power a genuinely poor review has to change the behaviour of the less honest owner is one thing, but these reviews can turn into a ‘lose-lose’ situation for responsible owners.

Firstly,. We’ve all experienced the need to badger guests, after they’ve gone home, to bother to go online and find your property, write the review and then respond to the verification email from the online listing site (to ensure they, as a reviewer, are genuine).

Whilst they may happily fill in your guest comment book whilst staying at your property in the flush of enjoying a great holiday, doing it some 3 weeks later is much less likely.

Secondly, what’s ‘excellent’ to one guest is merely ‘good’ to the next. Holidays are very personal experiences and it’s impossible to be consistent without some sort of agreed benchmark – and one doesn’t exist.

Thirdly, I’m totally unconvinced about how many potential guests are influenced by reviews. I wouldn’t be, as they are personal, too easily exaggerated, and too easily abused.

So who bothers to write reviews? Well, some of your happy guests might, but for sure a higher percentage of guests who didn’t like your property will – but guests who want to damage your business (perhaps to wrest some compensation from you) almost certainly will - and there is little you can do about it.

The online listing site can’t determine the veracity or otherwise of any negative claims, so you can become a hostage to fortune .

Years of good work and great service can be damaged by one really bad review from a guest who is only using the process to try to harm you.

There are guests (most of us have, unfortunately, experienced them) who make a habit of enjoying a holiday but afterwards creating a false situation or exaggerated complaint to try to get some money back. They may be only 1 in a 1000, but nevertheless, they do exist.

They can use the review system to pressure you into meeting their demands.

There’s little you can do. If you get such a review the online listing site will probably not put up the negative review if they believe (and have proof) it is part of a process to threaten and/or blackmail you. Other than that, you can try to argue that you are the sites paying customer, but that probably won’t carry much weight. I know a few owners who have, in protest, removed their listings from these sites but if the site is providing a good proportion of your enquiries, that’s a difficult (and brave) decision.

If the negative review is posted, reply to it. Don’t express anger. Be factual. Reply as if you are talking to future guests, not the reviewing guest. Be careful about responding point – by – point, and blow – by – blow, it doesn’t read well. The best approach is simply to highlight the positives from the comments of all your other guests - especially if you can truthfully point out that comments from other guests
counter exactly the same negative points of the complaining guest.

Read more details on

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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sowing of chillies

chilies are the prelude to the annual growing season from February to May They germinate very irregularly and slowly. And even then only if they like temperature and humidity. This requires the gardener a little perseverance. Who can afford not, who cares! Because even experienced, but impatient gardeners sow every year several times after their chilis, because they think the seed has lost its germination. Of course, the surprise is great when the end of May, the four-time Chili plant variety is preferred! Really, you would not believe how often I've already made ...

So: no worries if 14 days in the culture dish hardly does anything. Some seeds germinate in three days, some after three weeks. They are simple. Knowing this, then you can handle it carelessly.

is also important, as with any seed, the soil moist permanent light (not wet!) Is. I cover the seed container with plastic wrap accessible from the kitchen, so that the moisture can evaporate. Once germinated the Chilis, I take it off again, then is no mold.

The temperature is also a decisive factor in germination. Chilis are true frostbite: at 15 ° C to germinate, not even the most, from 20 ° C, it's better. True joy germ However they are only at 25 ° C. So I put the seed tray to germinate on a radiator. Once this is done, they can at room temperature (about 18-22 ° C) are large.

What you should also never forget how to deal with chili peppers and their seeds: Wash your hands! Who, after he had chilli seeds in his hand, rubbing his eyes, will never forget how they burn and burn and burn ...

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the power ... and its ethics.

Yes, we are in the Internet, we are moving in a room whose launch in the fall of 1969 fell when the first four mainframe computers at UCLA, SRI, the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) and the University of Utah were connected. On 29 October 1969 "Io" the first successful Internet message, the experiment was from UCLA to the Stanford Research Institute sent. And this was the "message" from: It was a beautiful October day, as the computer science professor Leonard Kleinrock and his students tried to link their mainframe computers in Los Angeles with a machine in the 500 kilometers from Stanford - a first in the fledgling computer science. "We typed the" L "and asked on the phone: Do you see the" L, Kleinrock recalls "?". It worked. He tapped the "O", the "G" - and then, then crashed the computer. In a second attempt were the words "Log in" are then transmitted error-free. After many rejections by telephone companies and other industries, Tim Berners-Lee introduced at CERN in 1989 to make a reflection on the Internet to a useable protocol reasonably available, he developed a distributed hypertext (http = hypertext transfer protocol) from which the World Wide Web (WWW) has grown as we know it. Today's "architecture" of the Internet created thousands of engineers and computer scientists only in the 70s, 80s and 90s and it is still being developed, but Kleinrock and his colleagues laid a foundation that still endures. So they gave up a central control and put on open technical standards, which could continue to use and develop each. "That's why no one can shut off the Internet completely and - perhaps more importantly - to prevent the development of new applications and movements," explains the expert Jeanette Hofmann. This contributes substantially to innovation dynamism, says the political scientist from the Science Center Berlin for Social Research. There is much more about the technical power to tell, but my current Article is more about the ethics of the Internet and its users and will help to hackers and people like Julian Assange to understand better. Parallel to the technical development of the "World Wide Web" was developed so a user ethics for the first time in 1984 by Steven Levy in his book "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution" was formulated.

The hacker ethic describes the work ethic by hackers. The moral dealing with general information is paramount. In this context, therefore, also plays a whole, the information ethics a major role.
The conviction behind the hacker ethic formulated as follows:

• The dissemination of software and general information that are useful for the society is good. The ethical duty of hackers is to share his knowledge with others, such as by writing open source code.
• The intrusion into a computer system is only acceptable if it serves the research, increase knowledge and curiosity, if no data is stolen or other data can be changed without permission (eg deletion). Another is to harm users aware of as shameful.

The first Hacker Manifesto was actually written from the mind of a hacker, this written after his arrest in 1986. It's called "The Hacker Manifesto" and is still the basis of the hacker ethic:

Translated by
(CC) Jan Kroemer / Evrim Sen
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

The following was written shortly after my arrest ....
/ \\ / The awareness of a Hacker / \\ /
+ + + The Mentor + + +
Posted on 8 January, 1986

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=
Again a hit, it is in all the papers. "Scandal - Teenager arrested for computer crime", "Hacker arrested after bank robbery electronic" ...
It's always the same with the damn Young people ...

But you, with your would-psychology and the 50s art brain, did you ever enter in a position of a hacker? Have you ever wondered what brings him tick, what forces have shaped him, what has it ever made it a hacker?
I am a hacker, enter my world ...

My world begins in the school ... I'm smarter than most kids. All the garbage that they teach us bores me ...
It's always the same with the damn clever mountain ...

I'm in junior high or high school. I have listened to the teachers who have told me for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I did understand it. "No, Ms. Smith, I have written is not the solution. I've got it counted in the head"
Always the same damned with the students ...
has determined it's written down ...

something I've discovered the computer. Oh wait, that thing is cool. It does what I want. And if it makes a mistake, only because I've messed it. Not because it does not like me ...
... not because it feels threatened by me
not ... because I think a smart ass,
was not ... because it has no desire to teach and do not belong here.
It's always the same with the damn kids ...
will only ever play.

And then it happened ... A door to a world has opened ...
Hurry through that telephone line like heroin flows through the veins of an addict. An electronic pulse is sent out, a refuge from everyday incompetence is finally in sight, a new platform is found.

"That's it ... I belong here"
I know everyone here ... even if I've never seen before, never spoken to them have, and might never again hear from them. I know them all.
It's always the same with the damn kids ... again blocking the phone line.

Yes, you can bet your ass that there is always the same with us!
We were fed with baby food, while we hungered for steak. The bits of meat that are heruntergebröselt were pre-chewed and tasteless. We have been dominated by sadists, or ignored by phlegm sufferers. The few who could teach us something found us willing but it was like a drop of water on a hot plate.

This is our world now ... The world of the electron and the switch, the beauty of the baud. We use a system that already exists, without paying for it, what a price not worth it anyway, though it would not be in the hands of profiteers. And now you call us criminals?
We explore ... and you call us criminals.
We request the knowledge ... and you call us criminals.
We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias ... and you call us criminals.

You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and leads us to believe it would be for our good ... and we should be the criminals.

Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that I judge people after what they think and say and not on how they look. My crime is that I'm above you, something you will never forgive me.

I am a hacker and this is my manifesto. You can perhaps tell me Who stay but you can not stop us all.

It's always the same with us ...

+ + + The Mentor + + +

Julian Assange on 3 July 1971 Townsville, Queensland, Australia and studied physics at the University of Melbourne. According to own statements he made his money through the Internet and was therefore "free to work for WikiLeaks. It was also WikiLeaks, which made him the hero of many. Within a short time Assange as an Internet activist, journalist and civil rights was held. Its use against censorship, he justifies with the principle of the above-mentioned "hacker ethic": "All information must be free." In 2008 he received the "Freedom of Expression Award and the 2009 Amnesty International Media Award for reports on extrajudicial killings.
So this is the driving spring of a Julian Assange, whose parents operated a traveling circus. Even so, a certain freedom love a part in his life. The Internet must remain free, because it was conceived and the sole reason there will always be exposed to the hostility of the powerful. They are always a number of pretexts to try this great decentralized medium limit of the masses. Look around ... in every dictatorship, be it China, Russia, Tunisia and Egypt, the network reduced as much as possible, to secure the maintenance of power the regime and to prevent the people together that close.
Also in the Western "democracies" people try to curtail the Internet under false pretenses, slowly but almost inevitably, is instilled in our heads, "the network is dangerous." Of course it's the amount of EVERYTHING whether something is toxic, but I've seen a lot in my life and experiences ... and fun ... without the Internet I've been less ripped off than in real life. The biggest criminals are in pinstripes, therefore, promised! The network is not a risk for us, so keep it alive and to protect it, because it is a danger for our oppressors!


your Micha


The mighty Feel the power of the hacker ethic - Spiegel online
the beginning was to crash -
The history of the network - Wikipedia
The hacker ethic -
The Hacker Manifesto - Wikipedia

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mi Paste Work For Anyone?

earth now 10 months

I used to have only a balcony above and a roof terrace for gardening. Therefore, I know from personal experience that important issues such as the purchase of earth, goes unnoticed. This is a shame for those who only gardening in pots and tubs and have to buy their land.

One of the difficulties here is to find the claims organic gardening just earth. Peat-free soil flower and vegetable Earth is but now widely available - compost peat-free soil, however, a real rarity. After I once abgegeklappert in March, the whole town and then a DIY store employee wanted to explain to me in the end seriously, that it generally would not be any peat-free soil potting soil, I had enough and tried Google. I was quickly find: the company has a peat-free soil cultivation soil Neudorff called NeudoHum on the market - I have had very good experiences with it.

But how does the earth nahhause? Happy are balcony gardeners who have a car and a DIY store or garden center nearby. I have neither. Therefore, people can tell me now and then see how I sharpen sweating, dirty clothes and a red face with exertion, 2 sacks with 40 l Hief earth through the city and the bus home. This is hard, but doable. Only what is with people who are about for health reasons, no longer able to force such a document? Or simply want to save the view such scenes? And what if the desired soil in the area is not available? Meanwhile, there Fortunately, there many online stores where you can order Earth. The fix is easy and it will be sent home.

An example is the Pflanzotheke that has been proven to me by really fast and cheap shipping. Another Web site is also Services Omega Shipping .

It is advisable also, potting soil on a balcony with a different substrate mix. What it means is, for example, perlite or Seramis. This has a double effect: the earth in the flower pot can hold moisture better and the flower pots are not that hard. Seramis or expanded clay there is in almost every drugstore or supermarket, as houseplants, in the Hydroponic grow can be planted in it. Perlite is available in hardware stores, but also in many online stores.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Antenna Should I Buy In Bay Area

Super melting

It is cold in my garden, the evening starts early, the dark hours stretch. I can imagine in these days not think I could even sit in a summer dress in my garden that I sought the shade, because it was so hot. But I know that the first spring flowers waiting in the ground.

But wait, not only the snowdrops on me, but also a lot of vegetables from my garden. It is cooked and tastes even more as the day of the harvest: after the summer. One of the soups I've prepared from the giant Kohlrabieernte. Because it is winter and I mean under the garden withdrawal suffering soul must caress, I have eaten today. When I ate, the garden was present - and with it all its scents, its sounds and colors ...

we let happen so through once again, as the basis of the soup was growing up: in the spring I have sown in my apartment and brought forward until the weather lazuli, dismiss the plants in the freedom of the garden.

The Kohlrabi "super melt" was a giant in my garden. Over 2 Kg brought them, after initially very blattlastigem growth in October on the scale. And they made their name: in spite of the considerable weight of all 3 nodules were tender and not woody.

The only downside was that the cabbage at the end of an incredible amount of space claimed in the vegetable patch.

Two of the tubers are stored, because of the great importance at some point on the page in my bed. It has not hurt them.

So-popping - open the jar, a dash of cream dug into the soup, a spicy from the refrigerator, ready for the perfect meal for cold winter evenings. Light a candle, a glass of wine - and the winter can not harm you more!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Worst Sore Throat And Fever

It begins!

Sure, it's only January. Who now speaks of spring harvests, sullen comments from the Winterwartern, that mysterious kind of people who wait patiently for the end of March and insisting earlier that was not winter and spring.

But, honestly, my onion bloomers in the garden seems to not care because they begin watching curiously from the ground. And that makes me at once for spring fever - gardening nature natural. So I will now begin to see through my seed sowing and preparing my personal calendar. And begin sowing. And anyway - the beans can now be set!

is going on from now it will be exciting and I will run every day in the garden and see if any greenhouse perhaps an inch further from the funny looks, muddy winter lawn. Until one day something is blooming!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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treasure hunt

one should laugh about the things that drive a tear in the eye. Following this motto, I would like today to talk about the daily treasure hunt through my garden. There

treasures and curiosities there are plenty, since he is in the middle The city is located and many people have access to him. Who has not admitted that at least has the potential to open the window of his apartment and resources to throw into my garden. The most popular food, followed closely by glass objects of any kind, as well as plastic bags, like equipped also with a bit rubbish.

way I can every few days something new to discover and dispose of in the garden. Today, there were the following resources:

Two empty bottles of carrot juice (one of my perennial beds, the other on the lawn.) Both screwed back nicely - because order must be!

three halved potatoes, I do not know whether they are raw or cooked.

Half Clementine, a bit taken away by the weather.

A large bone, from which animal and which meal I do not know.

The classic: a beer bottle. Divided into infinitely many pieces, next to the rain barrel. The shards of beer bottle pick up is a very frequent activity of mine.

This was the treasure hunt for the day ended. I was still sad, because I know that the neighbors determined to keep many more surprises!

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News about

The head of the Home Away Group, which heard, has allegedly in an interview with the New York Times voiced this.

Here his translator Interview:

"The removal of reviews is extremely rare and occurs only if the landlord tangible Has evidence that the apartment has slandered tenant the landlord unfair.

We are more than willing to lose landlords of our site, if that our clients' deal not fair or the listing is misleading. "

(Brian Sharples, chief executive of Home Away, said removal of a review was" extremely rare "and occurred only after the company had tangible proof that the renter unfairly maligned the owner." We are more than willing to lose property owners from our site if they are not treating OUR CUSTOMERS fairly or their advertisements are misleading, ")

funny that you, as Ferienwohnunginserent, of course, pays for the ad, are not designated as a customer, but the rental inquiries.

And what is "fair deal"? It's more than subjective. For the tenant it would be fair if he can rent for free with us. And even what you have agreed in the lease, may still be considered "unfair"?

and how the 'customers "treat our landlord does not matter? Why is the head of did not say that the "customers" us and our property owner "fair treatment" do?

Who are we for this Home Away group?

And what is "unfair maligning"? So there is fair for defamation And tangible evidence "we have to submit landlord ....

And how can a one by surfing visitor who might also charged that" his client of "if he has no contract with, no pay?

And why is home away "more than happy" to lose ourselves landlord? What is misleading?

Many U.S. tourists believe Air Condition, ie that in every room AC.

Should we at Leave etc: "Only a central air conditioning" so that your ad is not misleading

And why should I submit "tangible evidence" of the website .... I pay? ?

And when I say "vilified, but not" to "only" fair can provide tangible evidence, then take an assessment within my paid advertisement and I have no Mitanfragen more?

Apartment Owners should examine very carefully whether and where they can still turn in the network advertising.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Keebler Expiration Dates

Please do not try this at home!

not know where I've read, you could load rat tail radish. But I have read, really. And because I had such a great harvest , I have brought it so I completely consume everything. Not only I but also a friend of mine. And where the days are so short and the nights so long, you always need something from the garden. So I quickly opened the jar. And?

Ugh! A little bit of it reminded me of my long-ago attempt radishes einzuwecken: it is impossible. The rat tail radish lost its taste so completely one that it seemed to me like I was the vinegar water from an unidentifiable Pod sucking. The consistency of the radish is not suitable for insertion, either he stays tight and tough in the glass immediately, or he is completely overcooked.

would perhaps have been better freeze? Or simply eaten fresh, prepared with other vegetables in the wok - there were so many possibilities.

I just had non-expected that the focus and any hint of flavor disappear so completely. Now I am a better informed. What the heck, try making Kluch. And I can say to all: rat tail radish appeal is definitely a very stupid idea! So please do not try this at home!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Glory Holes On Long Island?

"grow vegetables themselves" by Jo Whittingham

This Book I like. Because it is hardly care less about petty bourgeois garden idyll, but carefree and presenting creative solutions to the impressive vegetable gardener. The recycling plant bells from old PET bottles provide a good example.

Strangely enough the German title the book "Vegetables grown in a" get what is translated very bad, because the title in the original "Vegetables in a small garden" means. That is what the book that is actually also a small garden and garden corners, yards and flower pots with vegetables. Certainly not because of the limited space in bulk, but are corresponding with the class.

Although no book on ecological gardening is (what is a garden novice should always keep in mind before you follow recommendations such as fertilizer), the subject of irrigation and use of appropriate domestic waste water for the garden or balcony addressed.

einzelnd vegetables will be presented and explained their needs. As an experienced gardener is nothing more determined to learn, scroll but fun, good only because of the photos. It is also inspiring the idea for a vertical garden, be attached to the bucket with vegetables in a wire mesh on the wall.

conclusion: it certainly is not a standard work. Not about literature, which should have every gardener. But it certainly is a thrilling, original work for beginners and creative solutions-seekers. If that book falls into the hands of time: now absolutely!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Foto De Paty Manterola Hot

More power to the powerful, or the arms race of the world powers!

Despite strict savings plans and declining public expenditure in the debt crisis, I notice that in the defense sector of the superpowers, the U.S. and China some interesting does. The rest of the world saves is the understanding of the needs to satisfy the creditors, but equipping the military forces of the super fun to race! Let's look at a closer look:


He is gray and looks like a dangerous insect ... the prototype of the Chinese J-20 stealth bomber, which China introduced in southwest China's Chengdu. The incredible flight and stealth features of the J-20 are strongly reminiscent of the U.S. American F-22 Raptor, which also has strong similarities of optics with his Chinese brother. The Raptor has been a fighter with no real-world opponents, he should have found, however, now with the J-20. In November 2007, destroyed the Chinese Air Force then one of your own satellites with a specially-developed rocket, thus demonstrating that they are also able to destroy American spy satellites. With a clear comment that action was then supported by the Chinese: "We leave in any case, the rule in space to the Americans" In November 2009, then declared the Chinese then officially launched the "Star Wars" arms race against America. Air Force Chief Quiliang Xu told the cameras: "The increased military build-up of the sky is inevitable and a challenge for the peace of mankind. In view of this Challenge can only have those voices heard enough power! "Even in the high mountains of China is doing something. Thus, in the Tian Shan mountains a huge, equipped with tremendous energy infrastructure, camouflaged military base has been discovered, Western intelligence agencies have discovered concrete evidence of a Chinese high-energy laser in Vietnam, which should be in a position to destroy approaching missiles and satellites. The official China's current defense budget is about $ 100 billion, said experts at the huge volumes of project actually about 300 - go $ 400 billion. If you then still considered the wage differential between China and the U.S. then should the Chinese have taken to the extent almost to the heavy than 600 billion military budget equal to the Americans.


In the U.S. you upgraded to the doctor comes. So surprised experts around the world what the U.S. needs a new military shuttle that can stay over 9 months in space. The Shuttle was named X 37 B is top secret, can remain for nine months in the room and automatically launch and landing. More about this project is that not the way NASA is not known. Also worked in the U.S. forges a hypersonic glider named HTV-2, this is a speed of 12500 Km / h, which may be so, in a little over 3 hours to anywhere in the world to do. That these projects are not operated by NASA is an almost sure sign of their purely military purposes. "Rods from God" or God's rod is the name of a cynical U.S. satellites in the hypersonic tungsten rods fired on the ground in order to hack as the bunkers were dug deep into the mountains. However, should the Airborne Laser to the biggest success of the last time be able to enter the U.S. defense industry. is These are the most mobile high energy laser in the world mounted on the top of a jumbo jet was 747. From there, it brought the Americans ready to shoot down approaching missiles and its own satellite. The U.S. General Kevin Chilton is getting to the point: "The Chinese are militarily in the fast lane, so we must do everything in our power to reach a position which the U.S. makes possible any nation in the world access to space to prohibit when it counts. "Clear words were also heard in China and are likely to spur even more so the Chinese military efforts. The U.S. defense budget for 2008 included 608 billion U.S. dollars, the actual defense budget of the United States in 2011 was high 632 billion U.S. dollars, but was in the past because of excessive debt crisis "only" $ 554,000,000,000 bawled. Main victims were once again the simple soldier, whose pensions and special allowances were cut, some defense projects, such as the "tank on skis" were placed on ice. For comparison ... the entire revenue of the Federal Republic of Germany for 2011 expected to reach nearly 309 billion euros.

armor inside.

The armor on the inside ... it does not look much better! Taser, sonic cannons known as LRAD, pepper balls, microwave weapons (ADT) and more new goodies to be invented imaginary popular uprisings, demonstrations and to combat riots. The arsenal of the Russian, German, Chinese and American weapons developers first heard of violence against property - such as lasers, optical sensors blind the target, rendering the approach of the enemy, or fast-curing foams, or obstruct the entrances to pile up in no time barriers.
Although the most futuristic weapons are not aimed at people, they are anything but harmless. Already in the Gulf War in 1991, the Americans fired cruise missiles at Iraqi electricity from plants that were not equipped with warheads, but with thin filaments of carbon fiber. The electrically conductive yarns caused a short circuit, to the public grid paralyzed. No one knows how many lives this mission has cost. After all, ventilators and incubators for premature babies in hospitals failed. "Non-Lethal" in itself is therefore a euphemistic name.
are even more controversial, however, those technology innovations that people should not kill though - but shy, tormented, disgusted and numb. "Torturers in suits," one participant called a conference in Ettlingen and therefore the development of such weapons. The instrumentation ranges from oddities such as networks and adhesives that bind the enemy of high-tech instruments Target persons with pressure waves, sound waves, light flashes and microwave maltreat, to up to the veritable chemical weapons that confuse the mind, excite nausea or rob consciousness. John Pike of the equipment critical U.S. think tank Global Security, warns that non-lethal weapons to kill if necessary with exact dosage anyone. "If one is too cautious, they seem mostly not at all, one is to research, threatening a disaster." Discussions with U.S. military, but also the analysis of the hostage crisis in October 2002 in a Moscow musical theater have shown him that the commanders in the use of such weapons in doubt always will "secure" and increase the dose, whatever disastrous results to follow than brute force yourself! Solely for internal security and the aforementioned "gadgets", the U.S. spends about 146 billion U.S. dollars from 2011. Against which enemy actually ... ..?!? Crazy! Unless we, the people are even regarded as the enemy ... You gears up only against an opponent that is the lesson from history. You notice that before you finally surrender to your boundless confidence in the system ... it will betray you and it did not deserve you!

Kind regards

your Micha


PM paper delivery in January 2011
Mirror paper edition 02/2011
Greenpeace - Camouflaged Killer / Killing me softly
time online - race in the crisis
Federal Budget 2011
analysis growth forecast internal security

Friday, January 14, 2011

What Does My Cervix Feel Like Before My Period?

A boy saw a cutting

It once saw a lad an old building on which a beautiful rose entwined. Unfortunately, the existence of this wonderful Rose threatened by construction work and so he picked using intact skin on his hand a few branches of the rose and brought it to me with the idea of it but I could gain some cuttings.

He infomierte me to draw even by link, thanks to google, about various opportunities rose cuttings. A complicated world presented itself to me, full of very specific soil and weather conditions, seed bells made of glass and the perfect time of the year. This was true for me of course all the back and forward, not chaos in my garden, everything is different, so that I could not wait for the right time and seed bell of glass I have not.

What then? I have already planted my Duftgeranie by cutting and increased ausgegeizte tomato shoots again - but as a rose is somehow far more daunting. Since the autumn would soon stop feeding it and I brought not about me, to hand over the small, rootless branches of the garden. They came in a glass of water and I wondered what I could.

while I was passed many days, the rose withered branches in the vase. Except for a branch that had yet completely fresh. I decided that this was a sign: he was the chosen one. I cut him right gently, a pot filled with soil, put it in a pot and poured him so thoroughly that the earth was really wet. In this wet earth bed I put now the base of the branch and waited and waited. Now and then I poured the earth, so that it was always wet and not properly dry could.

And suddenly - you know - ran the little rose and put out new, fresh, juicy green shoot tips. What an event. I have a rose propagated by cuttings! I am so amazed I could proclaim to the world. I, who failed in the propagation by cuttings from rosemary, olive and lemon always have a rose propagated by cuttings!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Regurgitation Of Food Reflux


Tipss for renters of apartments in the Internet

1) My apartments have to be papered deleted annually. For tenants encounter everywhere with her things. And you will not believe how many dirty fingerprints you'll find anywhere on the distributed waned and doors etc. Sad conclusion: The people are such pigs that never wash the hands. Yes, even butter-margarine and jam stains can find on the walls. And those uncultured people should as a landlord in www.fewo assess- to evaluate?? Want to bet that the tenants look for in their own home to clean walls etc? But in your apartment but do not.

2) you have to wash baseboards weekly, people always make this kind of dirty with their shoes. I have 53 years but have never been with me or with others in the apartment of the footer ....

3) outlets must be well clamped in the wall outlets. Make sure that the plaster is hard for the can around. For tenants Pull the plug out at the end but put somewhere on the cable. Why stoop? Outlets in Fermacellwaenden are therefore only meoglich if you screw the box to the supporting back wall.

By angling the plug into the power outlet socket before any Rasuziehen is safe.

4) flowers? Sad theme. Flower boxes everywhere, I had the windows and flowers in the apartments. I asked the tenants for years, at least once a week watering the flowers.

Meaningless. Cars get more water than flowers. A former tenant was not the Watering and wrote us, he could not pour. So the IQ is not enough, for it is the coffee pot of coffee, the kettle or to take big glasses from the kitchen? !

5) tiles. Many will buy into stocks, because in shower regularly allowed to drop anything that even makes tiles broken. Respect for the well following water damage. Respect for the tenant who complained about the cracked tile at www.fewo

6) Best you cleaners or you have as an owner to go:

tile tile adhesive, tile cutters, etc, paint bucket, brush, roller, spare electric cables, sockets, etc pp

7) No DSL using Ethernet cable in the apartment! ! Here, the rental income is nothing the cable to your PC with the Plastikschnaber - no pulling them the Ethernet cable. This cable is then run the plug and the Internet is not my (Of course fault of the lessor.)

8:00) A propos web. Always be prepared so that abuse their guests and the Internet to Go, for their isit you will be subject as a subscription. You know that sex sites are especially with children, the highest page ranking? (And again: These fools and pigs will be invited to "evaluate" me)

9) toilet bowl. Constipation from pure and whole rolls of paper towels thrown at any time. Note: Water damage in the apartment including more your risk. Have you ever
HCL, hydrochloric acid so it to Kotentfernen. For Apartment tenants of make their shit not go away. (German spoken)
caution when the hydrochloric acid in the police and have you checked - only the shit you want to remove your tenant, but as a Terrorist Suspect.
10) toilet lid. Best quality. But still goes every 4 - Broken 6 months. Are always loose. People dance in bulk .... ?
11) Always check all the table legs and chair legs. Lift table covers high, even if they are clean. love-tenants of www.fewo to burn the wood of the table book deliberately with cigarettes - then then tablecloth over and "we were not."
12) slats amplifier under beds. Just when you U.S. tenants have - they are frequently so fat that each slat breaks.
13) mattresses. Expect every four weeks so that there are blood stains. At best, you have mattresses in the car down (if you're in their city car can drive at all) at his home female tenants know when the rule is a precaution and put in something or help each other. Not so in your apartment. Blood stain? Do something, anything! Lessor retains a security deposit? Letter we consider a bad review on or
14) Wohnungschluessel. Your name must be on the Wohnungstuer. Otherwise the tenant does not find the right door and try to catch up with neighbors. Or tenant, you call at night and claim they have the lock changed.

Castle also has to open when the inside was still the key. Must be kopiergeschuetzt course.
15) Kuechenschrank always check whether tenant has purely been broken glasses. Had tenants who wanted to take a glass and cut his hand. Of course the fault of the landlord.
16), you always have a CD here. To check whether the CD player goes after those used as Aaschenbecher hr tenants. Do not keep the security deposit in one, the tenant will deny everything and you can denounce them as criminals
17 (Waschbecken. constipation as toilet bowl. Sysphon once you make the home in clean? In her apartment every two weeks.
18) Blinds are so turned up with violence, that unmount the disk itself. Have you always when tenants change the telephone number of the window manufacturer here if you can not repair it yourself.
19) cutlery should be washed forever. Tenants, all rights are or or so common that they put dirty spoon, knife etc in the cupboard to clean utensils. Everything is dirty by-na clear.
20) floor. Parquet and laminate by water (the tenants who use the washing machine and clothes beautiful Helmets: dripping wet) ruined regularly. Carpet is prohibited. Expected You mean to lay laminate flooring or every 2 years new.
21) Duschkoepfe. So the shower, you NIMT in the hand is dropped about every three weeks in the shower or bath. Is it plastic, soringt this and the water splashing out of the cracks. Always have also some Duschkoepfe it.
22) The same goes for shower hoses. Also go some way ruckzuck broken.
23) your neighbors. This must always be quiet and never refurbish, never cook with garlic, never married dispute.

your neighbors have to agree not to have children! Because your apartment tenants of fuhelen will be disturbed by children may cry and bad things about you and your apartment Leave on

24) It may also invest in a big city with 12-15 million inhabitants never be noisy on the street! And alas, a Obdachtloser sleeps below, or drink alcohol!
your fault. Poor residential area. It's best to sleep down in the car in front of the apartment to provide the well-being of your tenant's apartment-safe. Because if he is dissatisfied, he writes on

25) Buy lots of Dettol. As you will see how dirty the tenants, you have to disinfect your home (light switch!). We are sick of the tenant, that's your fault of course as a landlord on vacation- 26) bed linen. Buy from specialist outlets. Always again you have to throw away linen for hygienic reasons, because as feces and blood on sheets. Similarly, towels - used to be like polishing shoes. Shoe polish can not get out.

27) pictures and decorations on the walls. Images must be attached with at least two hooks. Do not hang pictures of your children. I had gay men who can to WOL from sorrow, no children get depends a picture of my children and threw in the trash !!!!! (No, I do not spin!)

Convert this extra work, exchange curves, heart disease, your stressed out Famlienleben and defamed the family names of your children (because you denounced as a landlord on the Internet and lead your children so your family name), etc in the rent!

think And always remember: The tenant can do everything. You can put up with everything. Make the other shit away. Be you 24 hours a day / night for your tenants there. And these people are allowed to "judge" you "Vote" on-www.fewo

Do not fret your tenant, even if your property is probably burned down by his fault! He is invited by and etc, to write about them. None of these sites give you, as owner, to write about the tenants!

Triggering Sayings Ana

stand all rose more than a garden book, "Alys Horticulture "

If I were not already begärtnern every available piece of land, they would have me do it. For infectious and less complicated nobody writes about gardening. Alys Fowler, as I avowed follower the "slow movements" and the figurehead of the slow gardening knows what it takes to gardeners: the gardeners.

That sounds trivial, but it is not. Because the fun comes in many gardeners in the background, facing the threat of pest snails, the skewed view of the neighbors on the Girsch invasion and the ongoing struggle for a perfect, manicured lawns. And then comes Alys.

you are unconcerned tips which plants "from a bunch of weeds" distract, tells of the Wurmkompst in her kitchen and small, chaotic city of gardens, which has learned to know and love them.

Although quite Alys a teacher of distinction is, with considerable training in the famous gardens, this found no mention. Were much more inspiring and formative for her small urban gardens in New York, the corner planted in the cities, the community gardens on city wasteland and creativity, the people in the management of micro and small gardens on the day submitted.

Alys do with it courage. Courage just to start with the gardeners. No matter where or when or with what results. They write it would be better once quite naturally a small corner in the backyard to create than to dig up everything at once and make do.

It explains the simple fact and worst relationships of soil, cultivation and plant sale - but always respecting the fact that gardeners should never be a question of cost.

Who wants planted a balcony or a larger, gepflastere surface, the stand, given the prices for pots and tubs, maybe even a cold sweat on his forehead. Alys This makes it easy conclusion: a gardener does not need all this equipment! Salad can be dragged in wooden crates and a compost leaves rooms with the boards of an old pallet. It is not that they would call on all people to sift through dumpsters, determined not. But it's about to make it clear that any gardening can, regardless of external circumstances or their financial situation.

Maybe - just maybe, really! - This is how many more well-heeled people, one or the other, which writes Alys, strange. This is not surprising. Because who has a "real" garden and the financial means to buy themselves everything they need, maybe the wrinkles his nose on the sly touch of anarchy, which blows through the pages of this book. This is the risk that Alys consistent with their view of young urban gardening received.

But you can also simply be infected by the basic idea of this book. And then there is - even if I am this far might lean out the window - much more than just a garden book. The issue is not just about the proliferation of indoor plants, or bargain shopping at the garden center: but to do that everyone should be what he wants. Because he can. And there is always a way.