If I were not already begärtnern every available piece of land, they would have me do it. For infectious and less complicated nobody writes about gardening. Alys Fowler, as I avowed follower the "slow movements" and the figurehead of the slow gardening knows what it takes to gardeners: the gardeners.
That sounds trivial, but it is not. Because the fun comes in many gardeners in the background, facing the threat of pest snails, the skewed view of the neighbors on the Girsch invasion and the ongoing struggle for a perfect, manicured lawns. And then comes Alys.
you are unconcerned tips which plants "from a bunch of weeds" distract, tells of the Wurmkompst in her kitchen and small, chaotic city of gardens, which has learned to know and love them.
Although quite Alys a teacher of distinction is, with considerable training in the famous gardens, this found no mention. Were much more inspiring and formative for her small urban gardens in New York, the corner planted in the cities, the community gardens on city wasteland and creativity, the people in the management of micro and small gardens on the day submitted.
Alys do with it courage. Courage just to start with the gardeners. No matter where or when or with what results. They write it would be better once quite naturally a small corner in the backyard to create than to dig up everything at once and make do.
It explains the simple fact and worst relationships of soil, cultivation and plant sale - but always respecting the fact that gardeners should never be a question of cost.
Who wants planted a balcony or a larger, gepflastere surface, the stand, given the prices for pots and tubs, maybe even a cold sweat on his forehead. Alys This makes it easy conclusion: a gardener does not need all this equipment! Salad can be dragged in wooden crates and a compost leaves rooms with the boards of an old pallet. It is not that they would call on all people to sift through dumpsters, determined not. But it's about to make it clear that any gardening can, regardless of external circumstances or their financial situation.
Maybe - just maybe, really! - This is how many more well-heeled people, one or the other, which writes Alys, strange. This is not surprising. Because who has a "real" garden and the financial means to buy themselves everything they need, maybe the wrinkles his nose on the sly touch of anarchy, which blows through the pages of this book. This is the risk that Alys consistent with their view of young urban gardening received.
But you can also simply be infected by the basic idea of this book. And then there is - even if I am this far might lean out the window - much more than just a garden book. The issue is not just about the proliferation of indoor plants, or bargain shopping at the garden center: but to do that everyone should be what he wants. Because he can. And there is always a way.
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