chilies are the prelude to the annual growing season from February to May They germinate very irregularly and slowly. And even then only if they like temperature and humidity. This requires the gardener a little perseverance. Who can afford not, who cares! Because even experienced, but impatient gardeners sow every year several times after their chilis, because they think the seed has lost its germination. Of course, the surprise is great when the end of May, the four-time Chili plant variety is preferred! Really, you would not believe how often I've already made ...
So: no worries if 14 days in the culture dish hardly does anything. Some seeds germinate in three days, some after three weeks. They are simple. Knowing this, then you can handle it carelessly.
is also important, as with any seed, the soil moist permanent light (not wet!) Is. I cover the seed container with plastic wrap accessible from the kitchen, so that the moisture can evaporate. Once germinated the Chilis, I take it off again, then is no mold.
The temperature is also a decisive factor in germination. Chilis are true frostbite: at 15 ° C to germinate, not even the most, from 20 ° C, it's better. True joy germ However they are only at 25 ° C. So I put the seed tray to germinate on a radiator. Once this is done, they can at room temperature (about 18-22 ° C) are large.
What you should also never forget how to deal with chili peppers and their seeds: Wash your hands! Who, after he had chilli seeds in his hand, rubbing his eyes, will never forget how they burn and burn and burn ...
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