More power to the powerful, or the arms race of the world powers!
Despite strict savings plans and declining public expenditure in the debt crisis, I notice that in the defense sector of the superpowers, the U.S. and China some interesting does. The rest of the world saves is the understanding of the needs to satisfy the creditors, but equipping the military forces of the super fun to race! Let's look at a closer look:
He is gray and looks like a dangerous insect ... the prototype of the Chinese J-20 stealth bomber, which China introduced in southwest China's Chengdu. The incredible flight and stealth features of the J-20 are strongly reminiscent of the U.S. American F-22 Raptor, which also has strong similarities of optics with his Chinese brother. The Raptor has been a fighter with no real-world opponents, he should have found, however, now with the J-20. In November 2007, destroyed the Chinese Air Force then one of your own satellites with a specially-developed rocket, thus demonstrating that they are also able to destroy American spy satellites. With a clear comment that action was then supported by the Chinese: "We leave in any case, the rule in space to the Americans" In November 2009, then declared the Chinese then officially launched the "Star Wars" arms race against America. Air Force Chief Quiliang Xu told the cameras: "The increased military build-up of the sky is inevitable and a challenge for the peace of mankind. In view of this Challenge can only have those voices heard enough power! "Even in the high mountains of China is doing something. Thus, in the Tian Shan mountains a huge, equipped with tremendous energy infrastructure, camouflaged military base has been discovered, Western intelligence agencies have discovered concrete evidence of a Chinese high-energy laser in Vietnam, which should be in a position to destroy approaching missiles and satellites. The official China's current defense budget is about $ 100 billion, said experts at the huge volumes of project actually about 300 - go $ 400 billion. If you then still considered the wage differential between China and the U.S. then should the Chinese have taken to the extent almost to the heavy than 600 billion military budget equal to the Americans.
In the U.S. you upgraded to the doctor comes. So surprised experts around the world what the U.S. needs a new military shuttle that can stay over 9 months in space. The Shuttle was named X 37 B is top secret, can remain for nine months in the room and automatically launch and landing. More about this project is that not the way NASA is not known. Also worked in the U.S. forges a hypersonic glider named HTV-2, this is a speed of 12500 Km / h, which may be so, in a little over 3 hours to anywhere in the world to do. That these projects are not operated by NASA is an almost sure sign of their purely military purposes. "Rods from God" or God's rod is the name of a cynical U.S. satellites in the hypersonic tungsten rods fired on the ground in order to hack as the bunkers were dug deep into the mountains. However, should the Airborne Laser to the biggest success of the last time be able to enter the U.S. defense industry. is These are the most mobile high energy laser in the world mounted on the top of a jumbo jet was 747. From there, it brought the Americans ready to shoot down approaching missiles and its own satellite. The U.S. General Kevin Chilton is getting to the point: "The Chinese are militarily in the fast lane, so we must do everything in our power to reach a position which the U.S. makes possible any nation in the world access to space to prohibit when it counts. "Clear words were also heard in China and are likely to spur even more so the Chinese military efforts. The U.S. defense budget for 2008 included 608 billion U.S. dollars, the actual defense budget of the United States in 2011 was high 632 billion U.S. dollars, but was in the past because of excessive debt crisis "only" $ 554,000,000,000 bawled. Main victims were once again the simple soldier, whose pensions and special allowances were cut, some defense projects, such as the "tank on skis" were placed on ice. For comparison ... the entire revenue of the Federal Republic of Germany for 2011 expected to reach nearly 309 billion euros.
armor inside.
The armor on the inside ... it does not look much better! Taser, sonic cannons known as LRAD, pepper balls, microwave weapons (ADT) and more new goodies to be invented imaginary popular uprisings, demonstrations and to combat riots. The arsenal of the Russian, German, Chinese and American weapons developers first heard of violence against property - such as lasers, optical sensors blind the target, rendering the approach of the enemy, or fast-curing foams, or obstruct the entrances to pile up in no time barriers.
Although the most futuristic weapons are not aimed at people, they are anything but harmless. Already in the Gulf War in 1991, the Americans fired cruise missiles at Iraqi electricity from plants that were not equipped with warheads, but with thin filaments of carbon fiber. The electrically conductive yarns caused a short circuit, to the public grid paralyzed. No one knows how many lives this mission has cost. After all, ventilators and incubators for premature babies in hospitals failed. "Non-Lethal" in itself is therefore a euphemistic name.
are even more controversial, however, those technology innovations that people should not kill though - but shy, tormented, disgusted and numb. "Torturers in suits," one participant called a conference in Ettlingen and therefore the development of such weapons. The instrumentation ranges from oddities such as networks and adhesives that bind the enemy of high-tech instruments Target persons with pressure waves, sound waves, light flashes and microwave maltreat, to up to the veritable chemical weapons that confuse the mind, excite nausea or rob consciousness. John Pike of the equipment critical U.S. think tank Global Security, warns that non-lethal weapons to kill if necessary with exact dosage anyone. "If one is too cautious, they seem mostly not at all, one is to research, threatening a disaster." Discussions with U.S. military, but also the analysis of the hostage crisis in October 2002 in a Moscow musical theater have shown him that the commanders in the use of such weapons in doubt always will "secure" and increase the dose, whatever disastrous results to follow than brute force yourself! Solely for internal security and the aforementioned "gadgets", the U.S. spends about 146 billion U.S. dollars from 2011. Against which enemy actually ... ..?!? Crazy! Unless we, the people are even regarded as the enemy ... You gears up only against an opponent that is the lesson from history. You notice that before you finally surrender to your boundless confidence in the system ... it will betray you and it did not deserve you!
Kind regards
your Micha
PM paper delivery in January 2011
Mirror paper edition 02/2011
Greenpeace - Camouflaged Killer / Killing me softly
time online - race in the crisis
Federal Budget 2011
analysis growth forecast internal security
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