I am sometimes asked how I would manage to cultivate in my small backyard so versatile vegetables. Therefore, I dedicate the issue is now a separate entry. The size of the garden or the vegetable beds are namely not an exclusion criterion for successful vegetable growing needs. One should nevertheless be said at the outset: a single garden girl can supply themselves with a small backyard vegetable patch in part, for a family on the other hand it would certainly not rich but would rather complementary.
My vegetable patch is as tiny as the little backyard garden. The garden measures approximately 100 square meters, of which paved about 40 sqm. My vegetable patch measures about 2 m x 1,30 m. However, growing next to the vegetable beds in the background of a rose. Which was more than my bed since, so of course she could stay. The ivy of the wire mesh fence shall berankt behind it go on the other hand love, but refuses to my half-hearted attempts to oust him.
try in this small patch I sent by rotation to cram a lot of vegetables. I have in my garden are many different types of lettuce, also Postelein, lettuce, spinach, arugula, chard, kale, cabbage, kale and cabbage palm. I often have 3 different kinds of beans, broad beans - Also called Puffbohne or broad bean and two varieties of peas. Last summer there were three separate tomato plants, various chilies, fennel, kohlrabi, celery, beetroot and radishes. outsourced from the vegetable patch I have 3 kinds of zucchini and pumpkin also 3 different plants that would cope in my soil either. They grow in large containers.
course I have from any plant variety, only one or two copies. That brings me joy in gardening and variety on the plate.
The chard "bright lights" for lack of space has to grow somewhere between the accessible low shrubs and the pole beans have their own bed on the terrace, there should they offer someday blinds. The potatoes grow in Ikeasäcken in the paved part of the garden - which also has the advantage that I can carry it in the fall into the stairwell when they are not ready in time, since I was very late.
A few lettuce plants line the edges of flower beds and are under the Mirabelle between the buckets and buckets with swiss chard with hostas - which is also visually quite succeeded. I also have the rat tail radish, and many wild vegetables like my nettles, the elder, Gundermann, dandelion, etc.
One must, of course, because of the confined space, especially on the planting distances and the combination of plants eighth. On the other hand, the annual crop rotation at the minimum cultivation not of such major importance, as would be cultivated on an area of 4 square meters only beans. One should of course still pay attention.
An important issue in such a small area is to be able to use it permanently. No spot in my bed is broke, while a head of lettuce is harvested needs to be immediately Beetnachbar this place. If the beans harvested in early July, so direct the kale plants in the flower bed to be set free later, or celery. In the fall, the free beds in winter vegetables such as spinach or winter salads sown. Postelein is also great. Were during the cold months in bed and can be harvested in spring. Mid-May, the bed again ready for the summer vegetables ...
Skillful rotation thus ensures that no spot of the bed is empty. Of course, this happens for two or three weeks time anyway. Then I take this time to mulch around. My absolute favorite mulch is chopped nettles. Others prefer grass clippings, weeds (which should of course be free of seeds), straw or something else - the list is long.
The floor care and gentle natural fertilization of the soil at such a high stress of course, fundamental. However, I have had the experience that the barren clod, which was once my vegetable patch, now a vibrant, fertile piece of earth. Vegetable production is just everywhere, even on the smallest spot!
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